
Showing posts from March, 2012

Kontaktform - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

jeg skulle bruge en lidt mere konfigurerbar kontaktform end den som standard ligger med joomla-installationen, så jeg fandt den som hedder performs som umiddelbart efter beskrivelsen passede mine krav. men under installationen kunne jeg så se @ undermapperne ikke kom med. den lagde jeg så via min ftp. når jeg så oprettet et nyt content på basis af denne komponent, så er der intet parameterlisten. og jeg ved ikke hvad jeg skal skrive... jeg får ellers oprette punktet min menu, men når jeg klikker på det får jeg (selvfølgelig) bemærkningen "no form has been found!" nu har jeg arbejdet med asp og lotus flere år, men jeg er helt ganske novice på php og joomla, så jeg håber på lidt tåmodig vejledning ;-) og måske er det slet ikke performs som er det optimale valg? mvh knud performs er godt, men gik fra det da der var en sikkerhedsbrist. man kan sagtens bruge standarden. jeg kan ikke helt følge hvad det er der er galt, men du skal oprette en form og så nogle items (mener jeg). s...

Component (.cfc) issues

as understand it, coldfusion automatically search .cfc file. getting nasty error , dont understand why. appreciated. trying combine of database functions down 1 file, thought best way through use of cfc first attempt isn't working well. ----error------- entity has incorrect type being called function. the symbol have provided addnewcourse not name of function. the error occurred in d:\inetpub\medsyntrix\cora\dbpages\coursefunctions\addcourse\index.cfm: line 5 3 : 4 : <cfinvoke componet="coursefunctions" method="addnewcourse" returnvariable="coursenumber"> 5 : <cfinvokeargument name="title" value="test"> 6 : <!--- <cfinvokeargument name="message" value="#form.message1#"> 7 : <cfinvokeargument name="profession" value="#form.profession#"> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- resources: check coldfusion docume...

Wifi verbinding openbare netwerken. - Raspberry Pi Forums

ik gebruik de rapsberry om films e.d. te kijken i.c.m di tv. dit werkt thuis wil ik onderweg verbinding maken met een openbaar wifi netwerk om tijdens mijn rusttijden in mijn vrachtwagen tv te kijken.ik begrijp dat ik allen verbinding kan maken met beveiligde netwerken zoals hier een oplossing voor? voor zover mij bekend (dwz niet zelf getest) het wel degelijk mogelijk verbinding te maken met een open wifi netwerk. zie b.v. ... ss-network het enige probleem zou kunnen zijn dat je evt daarna moet inloggen via een webpagina. dan hangt het er van af of je een webbrowser kunt starten op je systeem. onder b.v. raspbmc zal dat problematisch kunnen zijn (arora browser nog experimenteel), maar als je 'puur' raspbian gebruikt zou het mogelijk moeten zijn met de standaard browser (midori). gr. dirk. raspberrypi

Is this a DW limitation?

hi, guys. i have long sql statement works in query analyzer, , in asp page made. added in dw using bindings (dataset). when tested query in bindings(dataset) window, showed me correct results , without problem. when hit ok button, appears in bindings window(small window on right side of screen) there's syntax error in line 2 using isnull. i have used isnull twice in query. , honestly, dont see problem or query itself. can me on this, please? can post query here if needed. please reply. need expert help. i've never known dreamweaver give spurious error message unless edited recordset code myself. if haven't edited page code @ all, please post query can take look. "newbiejane" <> wrote in message news:e4hr8i$fd6$ > have used isnull twice in query. , honestly, dont see > problem > or query itself. More discussions in Dynamic HTML General Discussion (read only) adobe

award points module/component - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi   there module or component award points users based on activities, particaptingin quiz or other contst, etc. thanks vodes => or there called j awards haven't tried, integrates community builder think, might want around Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

Voltage regulator for Vespa Primavera 1976

hello everybody! i have old vespa primavera 125 (1976) , connect leds alimentation. problem voltage isn't regular, because doesn't have battery works motor. think should build voltage regulator don't know how. can voltage should 6v, tried connect led resistor; worked bit burned. think need voltage resistor higher voltage 6 v. this schematics of vespa thank , sorry bad english hmmm, automotive circuit diagrams not readable think...   i presume magneto model, power isn't proper dc start with?   googling "magneto regulator" showed few promising links.  specialist knowledge out there?  there way upgrade alternator/battery configuration (perhaps using existing magneto as alternator?  understand magneto combination of alternator , ignition points in 1 unit. Arduino Forum > ...

internal build error

i trying use yahoo maps service. provide component (the mxp version tested in flash 9 stand alone, , works) swc version that include in flex causes internal build error. the mxml file minimal: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:application xmlns:mx="" xmlns:yahoo="*" xmlns:local="*" xmlns="*" layout="absolute"> <yahoo:yahoomap id="mymap" width="550" height="400" zoomlevel="3" latitude="37.77159" longitude="-122.401714" /> </mx:application> the flash/flex interface , components described at: (i got tip map interface note in newsgroup someone @ adobe/flex). the internal build error reads: an internal build error has occurred. please check error log. (i don't know error log is) foiund called e...

How do YOU add pictures to content? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i trying use defualt editor come {mosimage} when click insert image. now maybe or maybe not, search , figure out how works. users. won't know mosimage is. so whats workaround this? thanks hi, there second option insert images, using image button in editor. option need know full path image though. so looking @ both options, mosimage easy 1 frontend contributors. might want add section articles explaining things this, , add menu item user menu have acces info. regards robin Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Help putting together a parts list for new project

i use arduino turn on , off lawn sprinkler, first using switch , maybe later moving towards controlling via web connection. i new arduino start trying put rough parts list. right have following things think need finish project: - water valve solenoid (similar 1 seen here: - power supply solenoid - kind of relay arduino trip in turn actuate valve - switch - few resistors in head see switch being pressed, tell arduino actuate relay, activate valve. are there major components missing here? also, down road if plan control setup via web need use arduino ethernet shield? if want wireless need buy xbee? xbee replace ethernet shield or both required? i appreciate guidance quote from: jpro on jun 26, 2013, 02:05 am are there major components missing here? depending on coil resistance, need transistor drive relay. simple tutorial sparkfun: quote from: jpro on jun 26, 2013, 02:05 am also, d...

General Question

all of first hand experience using adobe golive frames. have 2 frames, 1 top nav , other below content. css setup still possible? #maincontent area display .html page or have several .html pages nav form @ top other content below part of 1 .html document no frames. know <div> tag not create separate area content it? seems have create separte web pages of content on including nav menu. user may area below being refreshed when move 1 section next in reality looking @ different content same style menu bar. hopelessly confused. macbellavance > css > setup still possible? using css not affect ability use frames. using frames not affect ability use css. using frames best choice layout method. > hopelessly confused. yes. so rest of post makes no sense. can try again, please? -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - dw faqs, tutorials & resources http://w...

Problema con la librería del nokia 5110

me descargado estas dos librerias: he abierto el ejemplo que hay y cambiado los pines de la linea 27 los que tengo yo asignados, pero al compilar me sale el siguiente error: code: [select] pcdtest.pde:38:46: error: variable 'logo16_glcd_bmp' must const in order put read-only section means of '__attribute__((progmem))' entonces me voy la linea 38 y añado 'logo16_...' el caracter const y entonces al compilar el error es el siguiente: code: [select] /usr/share/arduino/libraries/adafruit_pcd8544/adafruit_pcd8544.cpp:34:29: error: variable 'font' must const in order put read-only section means of '__attribute__((progmem))' /usr/share/arduino/libraries/adafruit_pcd8544/adafruit_pcd8544.cpp:34:29: error: conflicting declaration 'uint8_t font []' in file included /usr/share/arduino/libraries/adafruit_pcd8544/adafruit_pcd8...

3D Interactive UI, Papervision w/ Flex for Games and more- hands on, from intro to expert

in sf on 11/20. more info at: : a 10 hour bootcamp in flex learn 3d using papervision. taught professional trainer vic cekvenich. we cover hands on labs scratch: * setting sdk * warm up: 2d motion * 3d primitives * 3d math * materials * make complex objects (collada) * interactions * shadows/reflection * flash 10 * calling remote (web java/data ) service * , more. this intensive day class stressing techniques useful gaming , traditional 3d. walk out comfortable creating simple 3d games or rich ui web site. you must provide own laptop, on 1 gb ram recommended. power provided each laptop. mail class prep materials on usb stick 10 days before class. have support after class. More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

BTS7960B Motor Driver Not Working!

hi, have bts7960b motor driver connected arduino , not working @ have tried searching online code might make work nothing. code using. // arduino code h_bridge int lpwm = 9; // h-bridge leg 1 ->lpwm int enl = 8; // h-bridge enable pin 1 -> l_en int rpwm = 6; // h-bridge leg 2 ->rpwm int enr = 9; // h-bridge enable pin 2 -> r_en void setup() {   serial.begin (9600);   pinmode(lpwm, output);   pinmode(rpwm, output);   pinmode(enl, output);   pinmode(enr, output);   digitalwrite(enl, high);   digitalwrite(enr, high); } void loop() {   analogwrite(rpwm,100); //pwm value   digitalwrite(lpwm, low); } we connected 9.6v vcc , ground. please if can school project. want see right motor driver isnt defective code make 1 of motors move perfect. try here;- Arduino Forum ...

word &quot;Display&quot; shows up before flash video starts

does know how rid of word "display" showing before flash video starts? video vey short word comes out second there , can read it. if have put preloader before that, what's best way it? the version created flv 8, swf published 7. when view locally, don't see "display" word, online. think it's because takes bit flv start playing online. it's short if can rid of word, doesn't seem need preloader. thank this problem site>> i don't see problem in safari... it's within explorer. check you're output settings. know there lot of issues came flash not playing nicely microsoft exploerer, maybe can find work around familiar me problems. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Arduino Mega getting hot and slowing down after firing solenoid

i've got arduino mega controlling solenoids through mosfets. solenoids run on 25v, , have common ground arduino's 5v.  have protection diodes on them.  have configured blink pin 13 led in main loop() function can verify it's not getting stuck in loops or anything.  if turn on , leave idling (waiting me press button something), led blinks fast, , within 5 minutes arduino cpu hot enough can't keep finger on more few seconds.  when press button, (which should activate 1 mosfet/solenoid), correct solenoid  , (often same solenoid each time, 1 too) random solenoid fire, , blinking slows down half speed going.  if press button after turning arduino on, can fire solenoid 2 or 3 times before starts misfiring.  once misfires once, blinking never returns normal speed, , solenoids never fire correctly until unplug arduino or press reset button on board. the solenoids misfire when mosfets connected arduino.  (it's not mosfet ...

Searching two domains with a single google search module - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, i need configuring google search module in joomla.  specifically, need set search subdomain in addition primary domain.  make matters more difficult, subdomain needs searched resides on seperate server, , pages need searched written in dreamweaver, not joomla.  there way this? thanks in advance suggestions. i'm sure there way, looking custom coding here...  if know how program, google search bot see how works, , modify use google site search feature.  if not know how program, there many people on board relatively small fee... Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Modules

Controllo di un motore DC 65V 5A con Arduino

buonasera tutti, per una applicazione elettromeccanica dovrei pilotare un motore brush in dc da 65volt 5a in pwm con arduino. sapreste consigliarmi una scheda di potenza ponte intero(schema elettrico o progetto completo) per pilotare un motore con queste caratteristiche? il sistema dovrebbe avere la possibilità di invertire la direzione di rotazione del motore, regolazione della massima corrente erogata(regolazione coppia), e la possibilità di intervenire con il freno motore elettrico cortocircuitando poli del motore. vi ringrazio in anticipo ciao Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Hardware (Moderator: leo72) > Controllo di un motore DC 65V 5A con Arduino arduino

Better and faster Micro-controller than the one on Mega 2560

hello, i think know uc on mega 2560 crappy uc today's standards. i looking better , faster uc board arduino mega 2560 can programmed arduino ide, , has same voltage levels (5v operating voltage, , 12v input) thanks i disagree statement. it may slow , have little sram specific (unstated) application. for many others, provides processing power needed. the ide written few core processors, , others added 3rd party folks. take here, see if suit needs: let know how make out in search. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Better and faster Micro-controller than the one on Mega 2560 arduino

{solved} Best way to store data?

i'm trying set way ping whole subnet's worth of ip addresses, using icmpping (attached), , later on display results on lcd. know i'm going need array of kind, i'm wondering work best. few modifiers: i'm using arduino mega, have room work. i don't know how many ip addresses in array. i'm willing hard-code max of 256 if need be. the address lengths can vary small 7 large 15 characters. i'm passing 4-position byte array ip address (one each octet). if can still use that, that's great, if need convert type, that's fine well. i don't have code yet, because i'm trying wrap brain around whole array thing. best way this? if right, you need convert ip addresses @ moment intend display them. so, may store numbers in 4 byte format (what ipv6?). theoretically there no real limit. 4 bytes 256 addresses generate 1k size array max. once start display on lcd, can convert send display , use same storage next ip ad...

SD Library problems with version 1.5

i have installed arduino ide version 1.5 , program no longer compiles messages like: c:\arduino-1.5-windows\arduino-1.5\libraries\sd\utility\sd2card.cpp: in function 'void spisend(uint8_t)': c:\arduino-1.5-windows\arduino-1.5\libraries\sd\utility\sd2card.cpp:35: error: 'spi' not declared in scope and 3 others in relation sd2card.ccp. sd2card uses spi.h in different folder in 1.5. how 1.5 point correct folder header files? thank in advance assistance. have tried including spi.h in sketch? ethernet shield library requires also. code: [select] #include <spi.h> #include <sd.h> Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Storage > SD Library problems with version 1.5 arduino

Can you deliver RPis without any connectors soldered? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, possible have several rpi delivered without connectors soldered on (usb, ethernet, hdmi, etc.)? embedded robotics projects connectors practically useless , add bulk. thanks, alex. as pi & b made on production line, more expensive not put on connectors, though appears feasible un-solder them ! pi compute module may worth investigating though ... ew-product ... -available raspberrypi

Decoupling Capacitors: 22uf instead of 10uf

hi, building first "arduino on pcb" following schema found on internet. can use 22uf electrolitic capacitors decoupling in\out 5v voltage regulator (instead of 10uf caps)? is important 10uf value or "near" can ok? thanks quote from: xxxzanka on jun 19, 2013, 10:23 am hi, building first "arduino on pcb" following schema found on internet. can use 22uf electrolitic capacitors decoupling in\out 5v voltage regulator (instead of 10uf caps)? is important 10uf value or "near" can ok? if it's bigger, it's ok (without going crazy). much more important use correct types. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Decoupling Capacitors: 22uf instead of 10uf arduino

Raspberry pi DS? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, want make small umpc type of thing, small enough fit in pocket of pair of jeans. main problems need compact power supply, preferably dual output sources, , want mini wireless keyboard flip , cover screen when not in use. made prototype using legos frame, , duct tape hold xd if give me recommendations, i'd appreciate it! thanks! something ? raspberrypi

Problem mit Interrupt-Routine/PIN-Belegung und GLCD

hallo liebe unterstützer, ich baue gerade für einen freund eine "da ist oder war jemand oder etwas auf meinem grundstück-alarmanlage". eckdaten: ich nutze einen leonardo mit einem 128x64 glcd zur anzeige. dazu einen dcf77-empfänger (pin 3 / interrupt 0), 3 pir (die von adafruit, pin 0-2, interrupt 1-3), einen piezo und ein relaismodul. viel für ein kleinen arduino, aber er wird das meistern! generelle funktion: das dcf-modul sorgt für gute zeit, funktioniert auch. die pir sollen eine bewegung wahrnehmen, ein signal über einen piezo ausgeben und die auslösung soll dann im display protokolliert werden. zweck: - wenn jemand auf dem grundstück ist, soll er einfach über ein signal (piezo oder externe klingel via relais) mitbekommen, dass da besuch kommt. - wenn niemand auf dem grundstück ist möchte er hinterher wissen, ob jemand da war und wenn ja wo (pir verschiedenen stellen des grundstücks, mehrere zugänge). dazu wird das display (ideenfindung noch nicht final abgesch...

Clocking a CMOS imager - Is this feasible?

i'm in planning stage of project, trying figure out whether it's feasible clock cmos imager of arduinos.  when cmos imager, i'm not talking 1 of system-on-a-chip cameras in mobile phone.  i'm talking detector 8 column address lines, 8 row address lines, reset, clamp, adc start convert, etc., need set in order thing output analog pixel level, digitized off-chip.  of course there boards can (non-programmable, whole frame reads), , asics can better (read out multiple sub-frames), i'm interested in doing on low-cost, programmable, open platform arduino.  end goal give the microcontroller list of sub-frames , have address them @ ~50+ khz pixel rates. while digital outs can controlled digitalwrite(), slow , i'm not sure how digital outs sync because of latency.  there better ways control digital outs?  timer outputs attractive, can used other simple clock line or pwm? yes possible. quote while digital o...

z-index, getting 1 .swf to be above another .swf when in a floating div layer

hi all, i atempting swf higher on screen in html page. i thought using z-index attribute achieve having difficulty it. firstly have tried javascript solution. <script language="javascript"> <!-- function makeswf1higher() {"4";"3"; --> </script> <body onload="makeswf1higher()" > <div id="div1"> //mswf here </div> <div id="div2"> //mswf here </div> secondly have tried css z-index solution. <style type="text/css"> <!-- #div1 { position:relative; width:200px; height:115px; top: 0px; visibility: visible; left: 0;" z-index: 50;" } #div2 { position:relative; width:783px; height:446px; top: 0px; visibility: visible; left: 0;" z-index: 1;" } --> </style> and neither produces result me. please show me doing wrong here. any appreciated. add table 2 rows put first 1 in f...

para logotipos

hola silvia, puedes mirar los logotipos en la siguiente direcci�n: usuario=imaxina clave=imaxina y luego pinchas en logos saludos -- More discussions in Foro en español adobe

Whitch Program???

hello, whitch program use make flash games??? have been searching though programs... , cant find out witch 1 game 1 :/ flash ****************************************** --> adobe certified expert *ace* --> --> korgone wrote: > hello, whitch program use make flash games??? have been searching though programs... , cant find out witch 1 game 1 :/ More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

CSS Question

hi, i've got page css controlled div's. 1 of them ('content') not surprisingly contains page elements. reason though, when viewed in firefox content div not wrap round it's contents (the bg of page has light purple color , content div white). there just thin strip of white @ top begins. looks fine in ie. here's code content div: #content {width:760px; margin:0px auto; background-image:url(images/logostrip.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-color:#ffffff; padding-bottom:10px } i have tried defining height, works in firefox, in ie there 100px space @ bottom of content div. reason 1000px in firefox shorter 1000px in ie??? is there missing? thanks, james how positioning inside contentdiv? elements floated? ie surround floated elements, firefox not unless put non-floated element after floated ones, , clear it. <div class="clearthefloats"> <!-- --></div> (i put comment in hold div)...

Fans and USB power - Raspberry Pi Forums

so, had finished creating nice little file server yesterday, , noticed pi (model b) getting tad hot. used command /opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp temperature (i wrote little script make show fahrenheit too). saw, , felt hand, getting hot. 51.4 ºc exact. wanted run pi , drives day, , room in isn't cooled. decided i'd hack little fan , stick on top. used old macbook 2007 fan, wired old usb cable, , mounted fine. comes harder part. @ first happy have fan plugged outlet , let run. doesn't suit me anymore. i'm wondering if can make pi turn power on , off 1 of 2 usb ports. pi can turn 1 port off normally, turn on once reaches temperature. fan, being permanently plugged port, turn on once pi gets hot enough. script software part using measure_temp command, isn't big issue. need know if can turn port off. thanks, john you can't turn usb port on or off. suppose have soldering iron , access electronics store? if so, simple solution: wire nmos gpio pin , use con...

Reporting issues with packages - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi! there place report issue packages? example, rpi-update package needs dependency on curl. diederik wrote: is there place report issue packages? example, rpi-update package needs dependency on curl. dunno if there's anywhere 'official' report problems, perhaps next-best option? raspberrypi

Breadboards. - Raspberry Pi Forums

this clever gpio cobbler caught eye in post ... ... 1439.l2649 connects power tracks giving neat presentation of various gpios in easy access breadboard friendly way. however, notice on breadboard has rows of 5 holes on each side. breadboard has 6! a-f , g-l no big issue in it's self know if make power pins on each side further apart? mean cobbler , (uk?) breadboard incompatible. it looks power holes down side half way ofset holes on main part of board no chance of working power rails 2 inches apart (red red) or 2.1 inches far left far right. raspberrypi

Protection for Arduino (overvoltage)

hi i receiving bipolar signal arduino. done through lm741 (op-amp) , seems working nice. question how go limiting signal - mean if op-amp destroyed or if else happens circuit, how can secure arduino not receive else 0-5v? signal change , important dont loose resolution. i thought doing this: the diode protect against negative voltage , zenerdiode ensure arduino wont more 5v........ fly? thanks actually,if using uno r3, comes voltage regulator. otherwise no go lm317,instead opt lm7805,whose input should 9v transistor radio battery , comes 5v regulated case arduino safe if regulator blow,but blowing off less frequent issue,just relax , have fun. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > Protection for Arduino (overvoltage) arduino

simple way to transmit data with virtualwire (433mhz transmitters)

i'm trying figure out how it's not clicking reason, maybe because of code or whatnot, looking simple way transmit data, namely numbers variables, through virtualwire. have no clue how set though, on receiving side. the teensy examples easy follow; Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > simple way to transmit data with virtualwire (433mhz transmitters) arduino

Thread: installaton corrupts NTFS

when use wubi install, install says went well, ubuntu won't boot , uninstall fails because ntfs partition corrupt. system: amd x64, winxp sp3, (real) hardware raid (managed in bios - windows sees mirrored device), plenty of ram , free space in partition (> 11gb want allocate ubuntu) steps took: - run wubi pre-downloaded 9.04 x64 iso , select install d: - wubi wizard completes , select reboot immediately - after reboot select ubuntu boot menu - automated system runs, saying it's checking install , forth. - automated system reboots - select ubuntu menu again, , i'm dropped grub - grub unable find install (gives options "find ......", options fail) - select reboot - choose windows @ boot menu - attempt uninstall of wubi - uninstall fails vague error - need run chkdsk auto fix option 3 or 4 times before ntfs partition clean enough uninstall wubi. i've gone through these exact steps 3 times now, , same result each time....

UDP Image Transfer - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi i'm electronics engineer complete novice on raspberry pi , linux. i'm trying find way image pal camera digitised , pi. have looked @ making framegrabber , connecting csi port clear port not open source , cannot modified different camera. attempting input digital image via network port using udp. source image 768x576 pixels of 24bit rgb. have set tests , transmitting image data via udp windows pc , displaying reconstructed image in picture box in visual basic. each image taking 125msec transmit on 100mhz lan. need transmit/receive 4 images per second seems viable. need test on linux , more importantly raspberry pi see if can handle data stream, have no linux development experience. @ start of today (12 hours ago) learned gcc was! since i've managed create console based udp server on pi , accept incoming messages pc. set trying write framebuffer, laptop ubuntu not that. tried learn gtk+to use gtkimage widget, see udp server code wont run in gtk applications. i'm...

Extended Menu and pathway problems - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hiya all i've downloaded extended menu module try , after menu-wise - not perfect me now. problem when using menu mospathway item no longer functions correctly (or @ really). is known problem? there fix? i've had around can't seem find anything. thanks - gaz have tried this: ? it's pathway module use extended menu. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Modules

Thread: Intel HDA problem

hi! installed backtrack on acer travelmate 5720 , there's "welcome-sound". no sound in utube-videos or mp3-playback - therefore might install ubuntu-restricted-extras prefer wait until so! run "alsa-info-script" , here's got: if there's who'd me out of - i'd appreciate it! greets gooksn Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [kde] Intel HDA problem Ubuntu

Why this sketch is not working?

hi there!  want scroll text on lcd.  using below sketch giving error "cannot convert 'string' 'char*' argument '1' 'void marquee(char*)". have worked? thanks. code: [select] #include <liquidcrystal.h> // initialize library numbers of interface pins liquidcrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); const int numrows = 2; const int numcols = 16; string stringone; string stringtwo; string stringthree; void setup() {   // set lcd's number of columns , rows:   lcd.begin(numcols, numrows); } void loop() {   stringone = "hello world!!";   stringtwo = "hello world!!";   stringthree = stringone + stringtwo;   marquee(stringthree);   delay(1000);   lcd.clear(); } // function uses scrolling display message 32 bytes long void marquee(char  *text ) {   int length = strlen(text); // number of characters in text   if(length < numcols)     lcd.print(te...

If I pay $499 for a support call will someone walk me through installing this mess?

i want know if pay $499 support fee whether or not knows software walk me through it. instructions have skads of explanations of why configuation codes , long listings of stuff. people, need quick start guides, not history of world parts 1-234 what want step-by-step of installing on server , getting run. why have hard? linux or windows? 64 bit or 32 bit? kidding, sympathize :) fms sophisticated product not feint of heart. 1 of bigger complaints, folks want work out of box, , flash media server team pushing hard have happen. looking @ beta 3.5 , submitted bugs against thing today. that said, once , going things relatively easy, initial time investment. More discussions in Adobe Media Server adobe

Problem beim Upload des Programmcodes

hallo leute, ich habe ein problem beim uploaden eines codes auf den arduino ich bekomme immer diese fehlermeldung. code: [select] binäre sketchgröße: 3.350 bytes (von einem maximum von 30.720 bytes) avrdude: stk500_getparm(): (a) protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x41 avrdude: stk500_getparm(): (a) protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x41 avrdude: stk500_initialize(): (a) protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x42 avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1         double check connections , try again, or use -f override         check. avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0x51 mit dieser fehlermeldung kann ich nicht wirklich anfangen. infos: board :  arduino duemilanove mit atmega 328p-pu programmeditor : arduino 1.0.5 os: win 7 treiber sind installiert port com3 ich würde mich echt freuen wenn mir einer sagen kann woran es liegt und das kam raus wo ich den bootloader draf installieren wollte avrd...

How to use strtod to convert a Serial.Read() data?

basically used visual studio send string data "1.11" testing purposes. how make use of strtod convert double , show on serial monitor show is transferred , converted. #include <studio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int ledpin = a13; char x[30]; char **ptr; double h;     void setup()  {                  pinmode(ledpin, output);   serial.begin(56700);  } void loop()                    {     if(serial.available())   {     x[30] =;     serial.println(x);     h = strtod(x,ptr);         if (h == 1.1)     {          digitalwrite(ledpin,high);       delay(1000);           }     else     if( h == 5.1)     {       digitalwrite(ledpin,low);     ...

Template for this design? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi! being total new joomla need advice on template use our design (which index-side attached). trying build shoppingsite products around swedish childrens book character. template looking need support: * drop-downmenu * shoppingcart-system (virtuemart?) * posibility customers send message order * credit card payment, paypal etc. i bee grateful tips on suitable templates!! kind regards ylva if have design, should make own joomla template if know how create page in html, should find ok make joomla template. it needs few lines of php turn html page joomla template most of work in css stylesheet Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Templates & CSS - 1.0.x

Thread: How to make a wifi server.

hello, been using ubuntu server/router/firewall time. wifi card use in computer can route out laptops. last time tried overwhelming because, frankly, don't understand half terminology , seems intense investment in time learn , understand (100+ hours?) not mention finding wifi card has done drivers; last time bought wifi card purpose found out doesn't necessary stuff able become router wifi. has created guide yet? avoid having buy separate router wifi, have been thinking it. thanks! you can spend $20 wireless card , go through this . or can spend $35 - $50 low-middle range wireless router, made want , dead simple set up. have 2 of these , , they're nice. may or may not want. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] How to make a wifi server. Ubuntu

Thread: OpenLdap+Samba Domain Controller on Ubuntu 9.04

dear guys can send me step step configure openldap+samba domain controller on ubuntu 9.04. followed steps of samba+openldap domain controller on ubuntu 7.10, after reaching point i'm gettng confused. i.e /etc/ldap/slapd.conf file missing. how go configuration file not there. read official howto: other howtos should taken pinch of salt... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Ubuntu Servers, Cloud and Juju Server Platforms [ubuntu] OpenLdap+Samba Domain Controller on Ubuntu 9.04 Ubuntu

Encoding issue - question mark output on php script - Raspberry Pi Forums

i've run issue when trying output results of python script web page. getting if run script via command line i'd call normal output, if run same script through website black diamonds question marks displayed in them. there happens differently how files output when run command line vs when run through php? ideas on else should looking at? stationid.php script calls python script code: select all <?php $fp = fopen('/tmp/stationid.txt', 'w'); $stationid = exec("sudo python /opt/fpp/plugins/edmrds/ -l", $retval); fwrite($fp, "$stationid\n"); fclose($fp); $file = file_get_contents('/tmp/stationid.txt', true); echo $file; ?> webpage calls stationid.php file code: select all <html> <head> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script...

Access device on local network over Internet through RPi - Raspberry Pi Forums

i've got consider complicated project can't quite seem find best solution for. our company installs systems clients administered through lan connection. have dial modem typically use remote access becoming more , more unusable carriers switching voip. i'm trying come way use rpi gateway client local network can use access our device. envision pi, being inside client firewall, connecting vpn or other remote access service , use ip route local net. guess connection stream follows: client device -> client switch -> rpi -> client firewall -> internet -> firewall -> vpn server -> switch -> pc asking of pi? need 2 nics on pi? i'm looking proof of concept @ point. not worried security or client approval right now. i'm in research phase , trying decide if worth pursuing further. chadbrewyet wrote: i've got consider complicated project can't quite seem find best solution for. our company installs systems clients administered...

Powerpoint 2007

hi, can help? my firm (for reason) upgraded our powerpoint 2007. having created quite large portfolio of work in the new powerpoint format (pptx) wanted use of part of capativate project. unfortunately, captivate seems want import older ppt format (97-2003, think), extent fine, means lot of multimedia effects in powerpoint project won't work - example, smart animations pop 1 image rather coming in on animations specified. short of converting powerpoint work 97-2003 format, there way can import pptx captivate , have work intended? thanks, alex hi alex one way may wish consider result in wanting. configure powerpoint play in window. surround powerpoint window captivate if recording other application. use print screen key combined presses of f9 , f10 start , stop recording full motion (to capture animations missing). might worth shot... rick More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

Parallel Pin Control

hello i have pretty specific question how address pins in parallel. if send value 55 or "110111" pio_sodr (c) or address 0x400e1230 set pin 33 ( pin c1 ) on arduino due board. if send 60  pin 35 ( pin c3 ) set. now want set more 1 pin @ once. but couldnt find ressource tells me how value send interpreted pioc. i tried sendind 115 ( 60+55 ) set c1 , c3. now used 60 xor 55 = 11 , set c1 , c3. but xor doesnt work @ different values. so question is: how axcess different pin patterns inside pio (c). i got pin-out diagramm there values setting 1 specific pin. is there special method calculate values pinvalues @ pinout-diagramm. hello demokra, i started lerning due issue. and has taken several hours understand, how handle such things. it rather easy, if understand background of software development. there lot of header files (*.h) describing memory organisation of microcontroller. via c(c++) may address registers of microcontroller predefined point...

Default admin component - what's the trick now? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ok, whats new trick?  knew how make different compnent, com_virtuemart, default component when log admin panel.  with  latest version of joomla, old method no longer works?  used modify line in "index2.php" variable $strtolower file has been changed?? i make virtumart default admin page when set e-comm site clients not web savvy.  there new way go doing this? i sure there has way. thanks hi, i'm curious, hacked administrator/index2.php file? lines/code? sounds nice hack customers... regards robin [tagged self interest] Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Word error 1037 &amp; 102

hello everyone, after editing text in topic, clicked save-all icon , received "robohelp received word error 1037. if continue error contact macromedia. robohelp hung, closed ctrl+alt+ del. since seem create corrupt doc files, deleted rtf files , reopened project. after clicking ok umpteen word error 1037 messages, got word error 102. project did open, have more broken links in broken links folder know with, , of 26 docs in project, 2 contain topics. divided docs contain 50 topics, , able compile without problems. have no idea happened project, , appreciated. i'm using robohelp word x5.0.1 word 2002/sp3. thanks, jennifer More discussions in RoboHelp for Word adobe