can soldermask + paste keep a package from shorting to vias?

i received board did not have tented vias under ic package has exposed pad on bottom of it. enig plating visible on edges of holes, instead of complete solder mask drill.  i'm wondering if thickness of solder mask around hole, in combination solder paste holding chip down keeps package high enough off board exposed pad not touch vias?  i've done quick , dirty continuity checks between ground pad , vias on bottom under chip, shows no short, may because ep wired differently or something.

should safe in assuming nothing shorted if continuity test shows negative?

ooh, poor mix of design and/or parts selection there.
still, if signals not showing being shorted gnd (or whatever signal pad - read datasheet today had chip pad @ 3.3v) might okay.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > can soldermask + paste keep a package from shorting to vias?



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