Transmitting data from GPS on ATV

hello everyone, want transmit co-ordinates , elevation of atv (all terrain vehicle) cockpit. need range of 1.2 mile. ways accomplish data transmission. want data transmission lag free possibe. , thinking determine speed of vehicle using gps data. vehicle running on muddy tracks thought of using gps data determine speed. or can make standard speedometer using reed switch, feasible, concerned getting damaged given conditions.

most gps recievers give speed output, part trivial. 

the common solution here transmitting data far xbee series of radios.  distance should go higher power pro model , 900mhz frequency.  check out sparkfun's xbee guide here.

if have gps output serial signal xbee can send may need.  if gps uses standard arduino needed translate.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Transmitting data from GPS on ATV



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