Will SPI work between two systems with different power supplies?
hi all,
can arduino , device communicate via spi if have different power supplies (the grounds connected). if so, need special, e.g. force miso input_pullup etc.?
i'm trying teensy communicate ti cc3000 , wiring checks out i'm not getting valid reply init string. cc3000 wants 300ma @ 3.3v , teensy can supply 100ma i'm using ld1117v33 power it. (i'm using teensy because has (relatively) gobs of ram , runs @ 3.3v natively don't have io level shifting).
thanks always.
can arduino , device communicate via spi if have different power supplies (the grounds connected). if so, need special, e.g. force miso input_pullup etc.?
i'm trying teensy communicate ti cc3000 , wiring checks out i'm not getting valid reply init string. cc3000 wants 300ma @ 3.3v , teensy can supply 100ma i'm using ld1117v33 power it. (i'm using teensy because has (relatively) gobs of ram , runs @ 3.3v natively don't have io level shifting).
thanks always.
there no hardware reasion not work.
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Will SPI work between two systems with different power supplies?
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