Arduino RPM (Mageia, Mandriva, Fedora, SuSe, etc.)

just informing created rpm packet mageia 3

edit: agrego urls para 1.0.6:

32 bits:
64 bits:


the official mageia binaries not work. also, mageia binaries has problem: uses newer version of avr-gcc not compatible arduino sources. created new packet based on official binaries little changes. packet "just works" , don't need change permissions or groups.

instruction usage:

for 32 bits:

alternative 1 (better because auto-updates new versions):

code: [select]
urpmi.addmedia --wget --distrib
urpmi arduino

alternative 2 (manual install):

code: [select]

for 64 bits:
alternative 1 (better because auto-updates new versions):

code: [select]
urpmi.addmedia --wget --distrib
urpmi arduino

alternative 2 (manual install):

code: [select]

the packet available mageia 2 , should work in other rpm based distros.

explanation of changes:
  • the packet includes official binaries maximum compatibility except for:
  • i replaced rxtx library following changes official binaries:
    • disabled port locking avoiding need of adding user lock group
    • added /dev/ttyacm , /dev/arduino devices

  • i added new udev rule that:
    • sets default permissions of arduino device 666 avoiding need of adding user dialout group.
    • added link device named arduino auto creating /dev/arduino device

muchas gracias anv , it's second time arduino packs didn't work out-of-the-box mageia. i'll have check mageia community fix m4 version. anyway thank job.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > Arduino RPM (Mageia, Mandriva, Fedora, SuSe, etc.)



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