Arduino to Processing Communication Issue


i have code uses 2 temperature sensors. works great on arduino , able output serial monitor. problem comes when attempt send data processing , create .csv file data. arduino , processing both attempting use com3, , of course can't @ same time. processing creates .csv file, not have data in it. point out issue? have tried can think of @ point. code below:


code: [select]
#include <onewire.h>
#include <dallastemperature.h>

#define one_wire_bus 2 /*-(connect pin 2 )-*/
#define bus2 4

onewire ourwire(one_wire_bus);
onewire ourwire2(bus2);

dallastemperature sensors(&ourwire);
dallastemperature sensors2(&ourwire2);

void setup()


void loop()
 serial.print(",  ");



code: [select]
import processing.serial.*;

printwriter output;
dateformat fnameformat= new simpledateformat("yymmdd_hhmm");
dateformat  timeformat = new simpledateformat("hh:mm:ss");
string filename;

serial myport;
short portindex = 0;
char header = 'h';

void setup()
 size(200, 200);
 string portname = serial.list()[portindex];
 println(" connecting -> " + serial.list()[portindex]);
 myport = new serial(this, portname, 9600);
 date = new date();
 filename = fnameformat.format(now);
 output = createwriter(filename + ".csv");

void draw()
 int val;
 string time;

 if ( myport.available() >= 15)
   if( == header)
     string timestring = timeformat.format(new date());
     println("message received @ " + timestring);
     val = readarduinoint();
     // print value of each bit
     for(int pin=2, bit=1; pin <= 13; pin++){
       print("digital pin " + pin + " = " );
       output.print("digital pin " + pin + " = " );
       int isset = (val & bit);
       if( isset == 0){
       else  {
       bit = bit * 2;
     // print 6 analog values
     for(int i=0; < 6; ++){
       val = readarduinoint();
       println("analog port " + + "= " + val);
       output.println("analog port " + + "= " + val);

void keypressed() {

int readarduinoint()
 int val;      
 val =;        
 val = * 256 + val;
 return val;

thank in advance!!!

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thank you.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Interfacing w/ Software on the Computer > Arduino to Processing Communication Issue



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