DS18B20(solar heating) display through webserver - need help(now with LCD)

hi guys, total newbie arduino working on first project. have 2 ds18b20 temperature sensors , ethernet shield enc28j60 hooked arduino uno r3. believe there no problems physical connection. however, struggling coding.

i need set simple webserver display temperature these 2 sensors , refresh somehow.

all produce far "webserver example" mixed "ds18b20 temperatures serial monitor example"(maybe these useless, dont know :~). really appreciate help.  :)

i using onewire library , ethercard library, 1 working enc28j60.

here's code. compiles no errors it's not working way want.
code: [select]
#include <onewire.h>
#include <dallastemperature.h>
#include <ethercard.h>

#define one_wire_bus 6

#define static 1  // set 1 disable dhcp (adjust myip/gwip values below)

#if static
// ethernet interface ip address
static byte myip[] = { 192,168,2,200 };
// gateway ip address
static byte gwip[] = { 192,168,2,1 };

// ethernet mac address - must unique on network
static byte mymac[] = { 0x74,0x69,0x69,0x2d,0x30,0x31 };

byte ethernet::buffer[500]; // tcp/ip send , receive buffer

char page[] progmem =
"http/1.0 503 service unavailable\r\n"
"content-type: text/html\r\n"
"retry-after: 600\r\n"
   "temperature webserver"
   "temperature temperature"

onewire onewire(one_wire_bus);
dallastemperature sensors(&onewire);

deviceaddress insidethermometer = { 0x28, 0x96, 0xc2, 0xbc, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa1 };
deviceaddress outsidethermometer = { 0x28, 0xa5, 0x0e, 0xbd, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x99 };

void setup(void)
 // temperature show in serial monitor
 // start of library
 // resolution set 10 bit
 sensors.setresolution(insidethermometer, 10);
 sensors.setresolution(outsidethermometer, 10);
 if (ether.begin(sizeof ethernet::buffer, mymac) == 0)
   serial.println( "failed access ethernet controller");
#if static
 ether.staticsetup(myip, gwip);
 if (!ether.dhcpsetup())
   serial.println("dhcp failed");

 ether.printip("ip:  ", ether.myip);
 ether.printip("gw:  ", ether.gwip);  
 ether.printip("dns: ", ether.dnsip);


void printtemperature(deviceaddress deviceaddress)
 float tempc = sensors.gettempc(deviceaddress);
 if (tempc == -127.00) {
   serial.print("error, sensor not responding");
 } else {
   serial.print("c: ");

void loop(void)
// wait incoming tcp packet, ignore contents
 if (ether.packetloop(ether.packetreceive())) {
   memcpy_p(ether.tcpoffset(), page, sizeof page);
   ether.httpserverreply(sizeof page - 1);

 serial.print("requesting temperature...\n\r");

 serial.print("temperature sensor 1: ");
 serial.print("temperature sensor 2: ");

for first project, better use ethernet shield w5100.
the enc28j60 not officially supported arduino.

you have few problems. let's step step.
first of all, can explain going wrong, , goal ?

are ds18b20 sensors working, , never fail ?

i used rbbb_server file start webserver.
which 1 did use ?
if try example without temperature sensors, working okay ?

you have create webpage.
in rbbb_server example, can see how webpage created.
the webpage have not webpage, 503 error. don't want that.

to temperature in webpage, there few ways.
the easiest 1 split webpage parts. , write temperature between rest.

to react fast when webpage requested, don't want delay in sketch. getting temperature ds18b20 takes long time, perhaps have make schedular gets temperature in 2 steps (start conversion , temperature).

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > DS18B20(solar heating) display through webserver - need help(now with LCD)



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