fixed dds sine wave 3000 hz 7 vac generator

i wanting output 3000 hz @ 7 vac 1 amp. have found info digital wave form generator makes stable 3khz @ 5 volts, need make @ 7 volts a/c output? voltage , frequency fixed , have stable, .5% or less error. not wanting pots trim, digital input buttons voltage , frequency. system capable of reading frequency , voltage , self regulating?

reference design;-

  • 3000 hz sine wave  with module ad9850

  • power output 10w tda2003

  • voltage control mcp41010 single-channel digital potentiometer

  • rms voltage measure ad736

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > fixed dds sine wave 3000 hz 7 vac generator



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