MIDI input - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello there

don't know if i'm posting on right channel. use reading midi serial connection.

i've googled allot , still couldn't succeed in reading simple midi input on raspberry.

have done far is:
- change /boot/cmdline.txt

code: select all

dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait
- added new lines /boot/config.txt change uart clock , baud rate

code: select all

# change uart clock 2441406 midi 31250 baud rate   init_uart_clock=2441406   init_uart_baud=38400
although uart clock not "2441406", when check "vcgencmd measure_clock uart"

have used this schematic, connecting midi rpi's serial.

i've tried little luck writing own python script reading midi, totally wrong i'm new coding

code: select all

import serial  import time  ser = serial.serial(port="/dev/ttyama0", baudrate=38400,)  data = ser.read(2)  print data
if me python script , setting rpi show few midi bytes. general idea how uart should work midi. ? or point me in right direction ? preatty new python , linux gentle on big words , such.



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