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Thread: We should make Kubuntu more like Ubuntu...

here me out now...

reading other threads there seems little grievance progression of gnome. problem of course kde has rebuilt glossy shell see today.

gnome, know, elegant in simplicity. kde...less so. propose add simplicity of ubuntu kubuntu. need show kubuntu love, seems neglected.

perhaps simplifying apps appearance , other configuration tools. think these main ones.

quote posted davbren view post
here me out now...

reading other threads there seems little grievance progression of gnome. problem of course kde has rebuilt glossy shell see today.

gnome, know, elegant in simplicity. kde...less so. propose add simplicity of ubuntu kubuntu. need show kubuntu love, seems neglected.

perhaps simplifying apps appearance , other configuration tools. think these main ones.
no! please don't that!

kubuntu has enough love , enough lovers.

can not simplify things in kde kubuntu. because apps , features part of upstream kde.

additionally kde has different targeted audience gnome.

kde's customers want have lots of possibilities adjust detail of desktop , in apps.
gnome's customers want simplicity , don't want have adjust lots of thing fullfill taste , requirements.

, simplifying apps appearance: simpler right-click on desktop, choosing theme , if no theme fits taste, download themes

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