Cant get the FTDI Basic Breakout to reset my home made Arduino

i cant dtr pin on ftdi basic breakout reset home made arduino uno.

when try load program second time uno after manually resetting board following error message:
"avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00"

i using atmega328 arduino optiboot (uno) => part# dev-10524

i have "arduino uno" selected "board" , below list of pin connections

ftdi basic breakout pin connections:
dtr => atmega pin 1 via 100nf capacitor (do need capacitor?)
rx1 => atmega pin 3
tx0 => atmega pin 2
3v3 => not in use
cts => not in use
gnd => ground

atmega328 pin connections:
pin 1 (reset) => dtr pin of ftdi basic breakout via 100nf capacitor
pin 2 (rx) => tx0 pin of ftdi
pin 3 (tx) => rx1 of ftdi
pins 4-6 => not in use
pin 7 (vcc) => +5v , pin 8 via 100nf capacitor
pin 8 (gnd) => ground , pin 7 via 100nf capacitor
pin 9 (xtal1) => right hand pin of 16 mhz ceramic resonator (
pin 10 (xtal2) => left hand pin of 16 mhz ceramic resonator
note: center pin of ceramic resonator connected ground (what different pins on resonator do?)
pins 11-14 => not in use
pin 15 (pwm) => connected led goes 330 ohm resistor connected ground.
pin 16-18 => not in use
pin 19 (avcc) => +5v (what pin do?)
pin 20 => not in use
pin 21 (aref) => +5v (what pin do?)
pin 22 (gnd) => ground
pins 23-28 => not in use

thank giving me hand!!!

dtr => atmega pin 1 via 100nf capacitor (do need capacitor?)

yes.  that capacitor in combination of 10kohm pull-up resistor makes auto-reset work.

when dtr asserted, reset drops low.  the time takes capacitor charge , bring reset high time takes atmega328 reset.

this connection different how decoupling capacitors in vcc connected.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Installation & Troubleshooting > Cant get the FTDI Basic Breakout to reset my home made Arduino



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