ENC28J60 Ethernet Module Problem.. Please Help..!
hi experts,
i trying make simple web server using arduino duemilanove clone(atmega328) & enc28j60 ethernet module. connected ethernet module router's lan port. (the internet connection router d-link modem.)
i using ethercard library. on startup, arduino gives me ip address when try view webpage using ip in browser, browser fails load.
i think in code setup() executing loop() not executing tried simple serialtx function in loop & didnt work...
even mac address automatically changed unknown format..!
my code follow. please examine & feel free correct me..!
the serial output follow:
i trying make simple web server using arduino duemilanove clone(atmega328) & enc28j60 ethernet module. connected ethernet module router's lan port. (the internet connection router d-link modem.)
i using ethercard library. on startup, arduino gives me ip address when try view webpage using ip in browser, browser fails load.
i think in code setup() executing loop() not executing tried simple serialtx function in loop & didnt work...
even mac address automatically changed unknown format..!
my code follow. please examine & feel free correct me..!
code: [select]
static byte myip[] progmem = {118,110,55,69};
static byte mymac[] progmem = {0x11,0xda,0x56,0xa6,0xc9,0x79};
static byte gateway[] progmem = {10,0,0,1};
byte ethernet::buffer[500];
void setup()
if(ether.begin(sizeof ethernet::buffer, mymac, 8)==0)
serial.println("\nethernet access failed");
serial.println("\nethernet controller initialized");
if (!ether.dhcpsetup())
serial.println("failed configuration dhcp");
serial.println("dhcp configuration done");
ether.printip("ip address:\t", ether.myip);
ether.printip("netmask:\t", ether.mymask);
ether.printip("gateway:\t", ether.gwip);
ether.printip("mac address:\t",ether.mymac);
void loop()
word len = ether.packetreceive();
word pos = ether.packetloop(len);
serial.println("----------new packet------------");
serial.println((char *)ethernet::buffer + pos);
// create bfill object
bufferfiller bfill = ether.tcpoffset();
bfill.emit_p(pstr("http/1.0 200 ok\r\n"
"content-type: text/html\r\npragma: no-cache\r\n\r\n"
"<html><body><h1>basic web server using arduino</h1></body></html>"));
pos = 0;
void serialtx()
serial.println("test if arduino executes loop or not.!");
the serial output follow:
could compare code against example:
and can check dhcp part example:
perhaps remove progmem mac , ip. don't know if possible progmem mac , ip ethercard library.
you can choose own mac address. enc28j60 has no build in mac address, set sketch.
and can check dhcp part example:
perhaps remove progmem mac , ip. don't know if possible progmem mac , ip ethercard library.
you can choose own mac address. enc28j60 has no build in mac address, set sketch.
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > ENC28J60 Ethernet Module Problem.. Please Help..!
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