Reboot when trying to use camara - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, received raspberry pi yesterday, , got camara working using : ... -pi-camera today tried alot of different things streaming camara feed after time gave on that. tried use raspistill take picture , raspberry restarted.

first thought because trying streaming working choose easy way -> format sd card. after , following same link again : ... -pi-camera still reboot when tried take picture raspistill -o name.jpg

file not saved

have google bit , saw maybe didn't have enough memory fast enough tried following this: ... ashes.html doing didnt anything

use raspbian
have idea wrong?

first thought: power. 90%+ of issues raspberry pis failing boot or rebooting unexpectedly due inadequate power supplies or cheap microusb power cables.

camera uses virtually no power when idle, needs quite lot of power when active. supply isn't providing enough milliamps @ 5volts run pi , camera together.

psu using?



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