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Thread: I'm new to ubuntu and completely lost.

i've got recent version of ubuntu , don't know i'm doing. i'm trying download things , looks it's working don't understand why have use terminal everything. shouldn't opperating system know how install without me knowing write terminal? there videos show me indepth tour of ubuntu? can hardly navigate through computer either. right i'm trying install wine (going make '.exe's work?). i'm following instructions hate doing when have no idea i'm doing computer.

need general jumping ubuntu thing. not like- "and here menu!", shows me terminal commands , files going , packages , "kernels" (total newb)? far don't think it's "easy" , "user friendly" claims be.

i'll give shot. want give shot.

go system > administration > synaptic package manager
install want there. give desciption , everything. go beginners section , dowload free ubuntu pocket refrence.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] I'm new to ubuntu and completely lost.



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