mega 2650 and ethernet shield v1

i'm sure came before couldnt find it..
i have mega 2650 , v1 ehternet shield.
in order make work, had connect pins 50 12, 51 11 , 52 13.
once connect them works great.
i'm in middle of smart home project , need pins can get.
is there way use without connecting these pins together?

thanks in advance!

i presume ethernet shield not have icsp connector on bottom? can "pin bend" d11-d13 on shield, , connect icsp pins instead. newer shields have spi devices onboard use icsp connector spi data lines.

that free d11 d13 on mega.

edit: don't need jumper icsp connector. mega uses d50-d52 spi data lines uno uses d11-d13, can't use else anyway. bend pins.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > mega 2650 and ethernet shield v1



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