What is wrong with adobe help support?

i have been reading forum quite while , seing @ lot of disapointment regarding adobe support. part never had deal them cause found answer in forum or google search, trying convince boss new cs4 master collection. reading problems vista , alot of cs3 applications, worried make him spend money.

any thought, beside getting trial version , try (knowking adobe not support trial version) , kind of reviews regarding tech support.

frenchy asp

> thought, beside getting trial version , try (knowking
> adobe
> not support trial version) , kind of reviews regarding tech
> support.

yes, adobe support sucks. lot of large software company's support
lines. alas, that's how goes. people @ adobe support
very friendly. can't help.

at least, have these user-to-user newsgroups here, there's
a lot of great peer support.


More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum



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