[SOLVED] Alarm library not working.


i'm doing little clock , 16x2 lcd learn how use time library , lcd.

i made little project show current time on lcd shield, have buttons.

if 'select' button pressed, enter in editing mode modify time. up/down/right/left used modify hour, minute , second digit. pressing select again, sets new time , show current time again.

i put alarm specifc time, star work in menu set alarm. doesn't work. have tried example library web site, , worked, when put in code, doesn't.

the example code can found here: http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_timealarms.html

i'm using arduino mega 2560 - lcd shield has compatible pins it: http://www.dx.com/p/118059

here code:

code: [select]

#include <liquidcrystal.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <timealarms.h>

int led = 13;

//controla o menu
const int menu_none = 0;
const int menu_hour = 1;
int currentmenu = 0;

// initialize lcd
liquidcrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7);

//used read analog buttons
int buttonvoltage = 0;
int buttonpressed = 0;
int lastbutton = 7;

//control button debounce
long lastdebouncetime = 0;  
long debouncedelay = 30;

//hour control

int hourediting = 0; // 0 - hour, 1 - minuto, 2
int hour;
int min;
int sec;
boolean wasedited = false; // flag para definir se hour foi ou não editada

void setup() {
 //setup lcd
 lcd.begin(16, 2);

 alarm.alarmrepeat(10,10,15, turnledon);

void setupclock(int h, int m, int s){

//prints current time
void printnow(){

//print specifictime:
void printtime(int h,int m,int s){
 char time[8];
 sprintf(time,"%02d:%02d:%02d",h, m, s);

 places cursor on hour, minute or second digit.
 the cursor blinking indicating digit will
 be changed
void placehourcursor(){
 case 0:
 case 1:
 case 2:

//stores current time
void savecurrenthour(){
 hour = hour();
 min = minute();
 sec = second();

  adjusts time. dir direction (up or down);
  depending on cursor is, increment or
  decrement hour, minute or second digit.
void adjusthour(int dir){
 wasedited = true;
 char digito[2];
 case 0: //hour
   hour = getincremento(hour, 23, dir);
 case 1: //minuto
   min = getincremento(min, 59, dir);
 case 2: //segundo
   sec = getincremento(sec, 59, dir);

 general purpose funtion.
 increments or decrements number considering minumum (zero) ,
 maximum (maxinc) value. dir direction (up or down).
int getincremento(int number, int maxinc, int dir){
 if(dir == 0){ //incremento
   if(number == maxinc) {
     number = 0;
 else{ //decremento
   if(number == 0) {
     number = maxinc;
 return number;

 handles button pressed.
 we have 5 buttons: up, down, right, left , select.
 when selected pressed, , currentmenu none,
 we enter in time editing mode. cursor starts blink in
 the hour digit. pressing , down increment or decrement
 the hour. pressing right , left move cursor other
 digits (minute , second).
 when select pressed again, if time modified, clock is
 adusjted , starts show current time again.
void readbutton(int btn){
 switch (btn)
 case 0: //right
   if(currentmenu == menu_hour){
     hourediting = getincremento(hourediting, 2, 0);
 case 1: //up
   if(currentmenu == menu_hour){
 case 2: //down
   if(currentmenu == menu_hour){
 case 3: //left
   if(currentmenu == menu_hour){
     hourediting = getincremento(hourediting, 2, 1);
 case 5: //select
   if(currentmenu == menu_hour){
     currentmenu = menu_none;
       setupclock(hour, min, sec);
     wasedited = false;
   else if (currentmenu == menu_none){
     currentmenu = menu_hour;

 if(currentmenu == menu_hour){
   //if i'm editing hour, place blinking cursor
   //for now.. fo nothing;

void turnledon(){

void loop() {
 buttonvoltage = analogread(0);
 buttonpressed = buttonvoltage >> 7; //takes significant bit.

 if(buttonpressed != lastbutton){
   lastdebouncetime = millis();

 if ((millis() - lastdebouncetime) > debouncedelay) {

 lastbutton = buttonpressed;  
 if(currentmenu == menu_none){

you don't have call alarm.delay() in code.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > [SOLVED] Alarm library not working.



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