Testing Grove PIR motion sensor on Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

this first post,
print "hello world!"

i'm beginner user new raspberry pi.

i've bought 2 grove pir motion sensors (http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/grove- ... p-802.html) , i'd use raspberry pi.

looking @ seedstudio git code (https://github.com/seeed-studio/grove-r ... _sensor.py) seems me no 1 testing return value of isdetected() function , print "pir sensor detected stuff".

said, i'm not able test these pir motion sensors other working code, such 1 @ link:

i've connected vcc on pin2 of raspberry pi, gnd pin6 , d1 pin7 , run following python code:

code: select all

import rpi.gpio gpio import time  sensorpin = 7  gpio.setmode(gpio.board) gpio.setup(sensorpin, gpio.in, pull_up_down=gpio.pud_down)  prevstate = false currstate = false  while true:     time.sleep(0.1)     prevstate = currstate     currstate = gpio.input(sensorpin)     if currstate != prevstate:         newstate = "high" if currstate else "low"         print "gpio pin %s %s" % (sensorpin, newstate)

i'm not able detect movement (i have tested seedstudio , raspberrypi.org code both 2 grove pir motion sensors)
have suggestions me , raspberry setup ?


i'd change pull-down pull-up. pir stuff i've used has pulled-down 0 on alarm.



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