Thread: ldap utilities work but ldapscripts don't
i'm trying set ldap server. it's new server (we don't have existing ldap server) on jaunty / 9.04.
followed instructions here , think working except ldapscripts. using basic ldap utilities - ldapadd, example - , entering admin password @ prompt works properly.
when try adding user ldapadduser or adding group ldapaddgroup "error adding user x ldap" or "error adding group x ldap". also, in /var/log/ldapscripts.log event appears additional message "ldap_bind: invalid credentials (49)".
per instructions created , populated , set permissions on password file /etc/ldapscripts/ldapscripts.passwd same admin password works when ldapadd. i've compared /etc/ldapscripts/ldapscripts.passwd.sample , appears correct.
i've compared steps i've taken more specific instructions here , seems check out too.
same failure both sudoing normal user account , if log in root. i'd expect, if try normal user "unable read password file..."
have guess i'm doing wrong?
it turned out had incorrectly set value binddn inbinddn user name used modify database , shouldcode:/etc/ldapscripts/ldapscripts.confcode:cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Security [ubuntu] ldap utilities work but ldapscripts don't
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