"Curiouser and curiouser ... (DHCP assigned 'static' IP's) - Raspberry Pi Forums

... said alice"
many others here, let router's dhcp server assign (pseudo-)static ip addresses pi's associated mac addresses. router typical wireless/4-port wired-ethernet device connected cable modem supplied i.p. today received "super hub" upgrade said modem, incorporated own wireless router etc. having set use same sub-domain etc. old router i've booted each of pi's in order re-set "pseudo-static" address (reserved leases in new modem's parlance). surprise (and joy :) ) 3 of pi's "automagically" given address i'd used previously. exception, model pi + usb-to-lan dongle, wasn't, because it's old address no longer in range of addresses i'd setup dhcp handout.
whilst i'm pleased what's happened, i'm curious "correct information" came (presumably pi's somewhere).

could because files here "ls /var/lib/dhcp" hold valid leases , they're being reused. guess.




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