Are there any gas sensors called "Precalibrated Sensors"

dear sir,

are there sensor modules called "precalibrated sensors" co,co2 @ market ?
as heard sensors don't want calibrate in known concentration of gas want measure. difficult create known concentration of gases @ home.
so method gas level in ppm range following sensor? sensor data sheet asked resistance known concentration of required gas measure gas in ppm level.


please me school project.


this sensor calibrated.
it costs 249 dollars.

this 1 costs more 400 euros,

the more professional or industrial quality want, more have pay.
for home use, think devices measure carbon dioxide between 100 , 200 euros.
but measure other gasses, don't know sure if measuring carbon dioxide.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > Are there any gas sensors called "Precalibrated Sensors"



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