TKinter crashing very consistently, no error - Raspberry Pi Forums
i have code on phone, post once tethered.
have program running reads in at-most 48 character statement pyserial, displays on canvas. uses after() callback combined tk.destroy() refresh screen every time new message sent.
after 132 134 runs (+/- counting tolerance), crashes out full screen partial-size window tk in title bar , no message, empty gray box. commented out print lines, made output string global instead of local, , still did it.
running terminal, crashed cleanly no errors.
thought might memory leak, think give me error, it's not. plus having 512mb of ram, if factor 48-char serial string , at-most 36 char output string tv, there's no way can see adding 3.84mb per run take run out of memory.
should start (other posting code, give me few minutes)?
have program running reads in at-most 48 character statement pyserial, displays on canvas. uses after() callback combined tk.destroy() refresh screen every time new message sent.
after 132 134 runs (+/- counting tolerance), crashes out full screen partial-size window tk in title bar , no message, empty gray box. commented out print lines, made output string global instead of local, , still did it.
running terminal, crashed cleanly no errors.
thought might memory leak, think give me error, it's not. plus having 512mb of ram, if factor 48-char serial string , at-most 36 char output string tv, there's no way can see adding 3.84mb per run take run out of memory.
should start (other posting code, give me few minutes)?
i attached file zip. original. after acted first time, commented out print statements thinking causing memory leak, didn't it, made outdata , outdisplay global variables thinking causing memory leak, didn't it, saw tk not initialized globally though defined such, did , still didn't work.
go here? i'm 60% sure related after() callback, don't know how else it?
serial output (as recall master device's manual):
go here? i'm 60% sure related after() callback, don't know how else it?
serial output (as recall master device's manual):
code: select all
wt 9999 lb\r\n hd 1\r\n
code: select all
wt 9999 lb\r\n hd 9\r\n av 9999 lb\r\n
code: select all
#!/usr/bin/python tkinter import * time import sleep import serial import traceback #note tkinter python 2.*, tkinter python 3+ # if using python 3, comment out previous line # , uncomment following line # tkinter import * ser = serial.serial( port = '/dev/ttyama0', #port = '/dev/tty.serial1', baudrate = 9600, parity = serial.parity_none, stopbits = serial.stopbits_one, bytesize = serial.eightbits, timeout=2 ) def createdisplay(istring): global tk # create tk window - within # else built. tk = tk() tk.bind('<key-escape>', terminate) tk.bind('<escape>', terminate) #make full screen tk.attributes("-fullscreen", true) #add exit button btn = button(tk, text="exit", command=terminate) btn.pack() #add canvas area ready drawing on, helps make text vertically aligned in frame canvas = canvas(tk, width=120, height=30) canvas.pack() #declare input string type inputstring = stringvar() #set input string text inputstring.set(istring) #add label text = label(tk, textvariable=inputstring, font="arial 44 bold") text.pack() # start tk main-loop (this updates tk display) tk.after(1000,updatetext) tk.mainloop() def terminate(): global tk tk.destroy() def main(): = "welcome new\ngainesville livestock\nauction" createdisplay(something) def updatetext(): global tk print str(ser.inwaiting()) + "\n" if ( ser.inwaiting() >= 13 ): outdata = ser.readlines() print outdata if outdata[1].strip() == "hd 1": print "single" outdisplay = outdata[0][:-2:] + "\n" + outdata[1][:2:] + " " + outdata[1][2:-2:] + " " tk.destroy() #ser.flushinput() createdisplay(outdisplay) tk.after(1000,updatetext) else: outdisplay = " " + outdata[0][:-2:] + "\n" + outdata[1][:2:] + " " + outdata[1][2:-2:] + " " + "\n" + outdata[2][:-2:] tk.destroy() createdisplay(outdisplay) tk.after(1000,updatetext) else: tk.after(1000,updatetext) main()
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