SoftwareSerial dropping bytes when Arduino doing nRF24L01 radio.write()

i've wrote code read in serial data ( gps nmea data in case ) , send across other nrf24l01 radio using same code receiver , display them on serial monitor or have gps s/w read nmea data...

as max bytes gps less 90 bytes, i've chopped data 3 packets nrf24l01 can take 32bytes max...

with minor packet drops , such, i'm able code running ( merged packets ) when compared raw data ones i'm receiving, notice there lots of dropped bytes when in sendpackets() functions. able gps location lock not able see birds , signals...

when commented out sendpackets() function, not dropped bytes...

when made sketch nrf24l01 codes deleted, able open gps s/w birds , location fixed..

is softwareserial issue or need method buffer incoming bytes while arduino busy sending out packets nrf24l01 ??

any ideas/suggestions welcome...


below link full source code...

i have maybe similar, reading basic serial out of imp. gets individual bytes, stops adding string @ random places, when try add them up.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > SoftwareSerial dropping bytes when Arduino doing nRF24L01 radio.write()



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