Wifi Shield - UDP Sending Problem
hi guys,
i've purchased new wifi sheild rs , coupled r3 uno. have problem when trying transmit simple udp string. works fine if string small if increase string length approx 90 characters appears nothing sent. ideas why in following code replystring sent if less approx 90 characters?
i should point out of course code snippet reply / sending code. rx side of things appears fine, it's when arduino tried send response problem occurs. if has wifi shield (or ethernet shield) test big help.
thanks in advance!
i've purchased new wifi sheild rs , coupled r3 uno. have problem when trying transmit simple udp string. works fine if string small if increase string length approx 90 characters appears nothing sent. ideas why in following code replystring sent if less approx 90 characters?
i should point out of course code snippet reply / sending code. rx side of things appears fine, it's when arduino tried send response problem occurs. if has wifi shield (or ethernet shield) test big help.
code: [select]
string replystring = "123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890";
char replybuffer[replystring.length() + 1];
replystring.tochararray(replybuffer, sizeof(replybuffer));
udp.beginpacket(udp.remoteip(), localport);
thanks in advance!
i have tested declaring string char array (as below) shows exact same problem.
the above string works (with 90 characters) increasing number of characters 100 kills it. udp.write function returns number of sent characters nothing appears sent.
could bug in wifi shield / library?
code: [select]
char replystring [] = "123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890";
the above string works (with 90 characters) increasing number of characters 100 kills it. udp.write function returns number of sent characters nothing appears sent.
could bug in wifi shield / library?
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > Wifi Shield - UDP Sending Problem
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