Serial Sniffer & Send XON - Raspberry Pi Forums


have issue on device , first step in linux world (and raspberry pi).

situation :
have 2 devices connected through rs232.
1 device regularly stop communicate (no more data on tx).
after analysis, xon solution relaunch communication.
suppose xoff has been send , must prove it.

need 2 thinks :
1) use sniffer on serial port (rx & tx) , create log file.
2) listen on tx , if there no more transmission send xon , restart sniffer create new file.

1) sniffer solution :
sniffer, see
has possibility log bin , ascii.

2) listening & transmit xon :
think little program python listen tx.
how such listening easily?
program listen on tx , if there no more data, :
1) stop sniffer : suppose not complicated do.
2) commute relay (to disconnect rx pin te other device , connect rpi)
3) rpi send xon
4) restart sniffer.

suppose, absolutely need use 2 serial ports :
- 1 spy rx+tx sniffer : ... nitor.html
- , listen tx on second serial port.

way or better solution?
can give advices , guide me in python listener?


serial data transfer stops between 2 devices maybe because xoff has been sent.

1 of devices rapberry pi?

serial data format , baud rate being used?



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