No manual entry for raspi-config - Raspberry Pi Forums

there should list of files tool edits.
, more information on wiki:

want enable camera , raspi-config fails function on ssh me...

seems kind of under documented.

looked @ this:

code: select all

 grep -a 10 "enable camera" /usr/bin/raspi-config   else # enable camera     set_config_var start_x 1 /boot/config.txt     cur_gpu_mem=$(get_config_var gpu_mem /boot/config.txt)     if [ -z "$cur_gpu_mem" ] || [ "$cur_gpu_mem" -lt 128 ];       set_config_var gpu_mem 128 /boot/config.txt     fi     sed /boot/config.txt -i -e "s/^startx/#startx/"     sed /boot/config.txt -i -e "s/^fixup_file/#fixup_file/"   fi } 
, made change:

code: select all

diff config.txt config.working.txt  42,47c42 < #gpu_mem=16 # min < #gpu_mem=128 # min camera < gpu_mem=128 <  < # no idea why here < #start_x=1 --- > gpu_mem=16
made pi not boot :/ (lights looked ok no answer ping)



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