5-wire Unipolar Stepper, L298N H Bridge
no idea i'm doing...
i have 5 wire unipolar stepper motor , l298n h bridge (probably not need, have).
the packaging motor labels wires as:
blue - a
purple - /a
yellow - b
orange - /b
white - com
i wired motor leads h bridge follows:
blue - motor a
purple - motor a
yellow - motor b
orange - motor b
white - vms
i wired h bridge arduino follows:
ln1 - 9
ln2 - 10
ln3 - 11
ln4 - 12
vms - 12v supply
gnd - ground
i didn't wire ena or enb
so far good???
no idea how write code this. basically, want stepper turn number of steps clockwise @ time of day , turn same number of steps counterclockwise @ time. it'll repeat day after day.
i have rtc connected arduino already. i'm adding stepper. rtc , else connected works.
i have 5 wire unipolar stepper motor , l298n h bridge (probably not need, have).
the packaging motor labels wires as:
blue - a
purple - /a
yellow - b
orange - /b
white - com
i wired motor leads h bridge follows:
blue - motor a
purple - motor a
yellow - motor b
orange - motor b
white - vms
i wired h bridge arduino follows:
ln1 - 9
ln2 - 10
ln3 - 11
ln4 - 12
vms - 12v supply
gnd - ground
i didn't wire ena or enb
so far good???
no idea how write code this. basically, want stepper turn number of steps clockwise @ time of day , turn same number of steps counterclockwise @ time. it'll repeat day after day.
i have rtc connected arduino already. i'm adding stepper. rtc , else connected works.
it unipolar stepper motor 5 wires:
red: power connector, have @ 5v , works fine
orange , black: coil 1
brown , yellow: coil 2
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > 5-wire Unipolar Stepper, L298N H Bridge
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