French characters - need help please - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support


i have been reading various threads utf-8 encoding etc. in joomla! confused level of problem dealing with.  site setting in english french content.  content owners entering content french accents wysiwygpro editor, using "paste word" feature hoped clean out microsoft gremlins.  french accents not displaying correctly on page (you can see here:

i have checked environment , looks this:

database version: 4.1.11-debian_4sarge2
php version: 5.0.4
web server: apache/2.0.54 (fedora)
webserver php interface: apache2handler
joomla! version: joomla! 1.0.10 stable [ sundown ] 26 june 2006 00:00 utc

the database set english utf 8 , collation utf8_general_ci.
the html outputting assume coming echo ''; in template.  conflict causing problem?  if so, how change encoding in joomla?  or should hard code in template?

or different problem altogether?  ???

thank in advance advice.

just update... it's not french characters, apostrophes have been created in ms word... not sure if helps determine problem.  please note excellent "newbie" star beside name , bash lightly ok?  ;)


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