Unexpected MIDI output over USB

i'm trying make arduino mega 2560 send out midi messages on usb part of sound based physical computing project. of tutorials online assume i'm using midi din connection when i'm trying use usb port on arduino via a  midi/ serial bridge program (hairless midi serial), needlessly complicating matters? if i'll required parts bypass usb port tomorrow, though i'd rather not.

i'm using included midi example sketch (as seen here) should output notes between f#0 , f#5 yet midi/ serial bridge program gives me many messages such "warning: got status byte when expecting 1 or more data bytes, sending possibly incomplete midi message 0xc0".

could tell me why happening? i'm using iac bus send midi ableton live or logic , both programs recognise midi activity arduino in form of program change numbers rather note on messages.

my mac has been bit weird lately, freezing second or 2 when usb device attached perhaps that's problem? i'm going erase , install of osx tomorrow hoping tell me it's not mac's fault. running mountain lion (10.8.2) way.

thank you.

i have similar problem using hairless midi serial.

i set midi out midi yoke.

in fact, hairless midi serial doing work bits gets arduino serial, , ableton receiving data midi yoke, not data expect.

there many optiones in hairless midi serial->file->preferences, trying first change baud rate, without success.

do have news?


Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Audio > Unexpected MIDI output over USB



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