SMA6501, a stepper driver?

i pulled sma6501 off board epson dot-matrix printer.
on board, pins 2, 4, 7, , 9 going control pins of atepper.
while, looks pin 11 goes 2 pins on stepper.

i thought way of controlling higher current lower current.
when connect power pin 5, power comes out other pins except 10, 11, , 12.
when put ground pin 5, pins floating except 1, 3, 6, , 8(they grounded).

it called "silicon npn, pnp epitaxial planer".

printer service manual:

i have no clue how drives motor.
please me figure out.

on chip, pin 5 ground. pins 1 4 , 6 9 half uln2803 chip, except needs external series resistors when driving arduino. pins 10 -12 high side driver, can ignore.

to use drive stepper:

- connect pins 2,4,7,9 stepper on board.

- connect each of pins 1,3,6,8 through series resistor (1k or 2.2k do) separate arduino pin.

- connect pin 5 ground.

- connect remaining 2 stepper wires positive supply want use stepper.

then can use arduino stepper library, in 4-pin mode.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > SMA6501, a stepper driver?



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