
Showing posts from April, 2013

Relays constantly on using a multiplexer.

hi i working on project consisting of 8 relays. is possible use multiplexer control relays by cycling thru channels , providing power needed relay thru multiplexer's common. as far know wouldnt problem turn only 1 relay on, if use multiplexer only 1 channel can output voltage @ time. i pretty sure relays respond slower than the arduino's clock. so wonder if looping thru 8 channels fast could keep relays on constantly? if would, should damage relays? is there better yet simple way this? thanks. the simple way serial-in/parallel-out shift register.  gives 8 separate outputs can individually controlled. see: Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Relays constantly on using a multiplexer. arduino

How to use serial monitor to input initial set of constants?

               hello , reading.  i've been working on few hours , haven't come close want do.  have 3 motors in shield, , want use serial monitor manually set constants, runtime each motor.  ideally functionality in python, raw_input() prompts input, , after press enter, value saved , used rest of program.  assumed easy guess it's not.               tried modify example sketch try 2 constants  , use them blink leds @ different rates.  it's proof of concept doesn't matter me if works or not problems i'm experiencing a).  when type in values, inconsistent on whether blinkrate 1 or 2 being changed, seems random though me, void loop() sequential.  secondly, integers aren't converting right while working fine 1 blink function , number input, default sketch.  know sketch sloppy want concept down.  if can shed light or point m...

IR-Blue-duino caméra thermique

je vous fais partager ma dernière réalisation. une caméra thermique basée sur le capteur melexis mlx90620. ce capteur infrarouge permet de faire de vrais images thermiques. il est relativement bon marché. en contre-partie la résolution est assez faible mais on peut quand même faire des choses pas mal avec. je n'ai pas inventé grand chose. je suis parti d'un projet open source qui utilisait un pic et j'ai adapté le schéma et le code pour le faire tourner sur plate-forme arduino. en pièce jointe un petit document avec des liens vers les projets dont je me suis inspiré, quelques explications le schéma, la nomenclature valorisée et des photos de la réalisation. la montage fonctionne en association avec un smartphone android ou iphone(n'ayant pas d'iphone moi même je n'ai pas pu tester si le portage fonctionne aussi sur iphone). le capteur infrarouge est lu par l'arduino. l'image infrarouge est ensuite transmise par bluetoth au téléphone pour affich...

I want to buy more arduino stuff, tips?

hello a few months go i've bought arduino starters kit. i want buy more stuff arduino. what must buy , can use lot of projects? i've arduino uno should buy mega? my buget 150 euro ($200). thanx duix think of want do. can go software or hardware. have on ebay @ things available. uk , china. getting hold of second hand scope might idea, given 1 recently. there lot of old equipment in lofts useful. main thing work out want , ask how it. make own arduino instance on veroboard. can buy 328 chip bootloader, socket , crystal , capacitors under £4 uk source on ebay. connect using breadboard or soldering iron , wire. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > I want to buy more arduino stuff, tips? arduino

What to use in this case?

i'm in cs3 have .swf of skyline in attached. design calls text tween behind buildings on skyline. able straight mask can see text coming out tip of mask. wanted know best way cut top of jpg off , around building tops can start see text in between buildings rather start appear on straight line. know basic flash i'm bit rusty on getting right formula work. is flash best option or should in ps first? heres url More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Thermal Printer - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have assembled adafruit thermal printer , cobbler , have been printing out can think of! downside being ive run out of things print? question dailys print except weather , current bitcoin price? the totd (tip of day) one. theres script on forum here shows how grab 1 here. option fortune. that's fun... , if want amusing, use cowsay raspberrypi

Site Map Extension - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

does know of virtuemart extensions samsitemap, or joomap? have tried both of these, neither 1 pickup virtuemart items in map. shows product categories, non of items. besides shows 'base' joomla! components, such news, weblinks, newsflashes. brandon sef service map has plug-in virtuemart. more info here: ... #msg428266 Board index Joomla! Official Sites & Infrastructure - Feedback/Information

Thread: Terminal Cant Connect To The Internet

it doesent. cant update or install things @ all! posted tanxc it doesent. cant update or install things @ all! details please... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Terminal Cant Connect To The Internet Ubuntu

Question about Linking Files

i'm making learning module program has menu using captivate (not menubuilder - because want text animations) , published standalone exe (not using browser). each of menu items have click box, , links external captivate files. i'm wondering if should make each of external files exes or swfs? and, there way open each external file in same standalone window? because, don't want have external files opening in new window (unless there way make "close window" button). i tried making external files exes.. , make "back main menu" links.. link main menu exe.. it's horrible, windows open under other windows, it's not nice @ all. i hope can me plan properly. thanks! jp hi jp have given jesse warden's captivate player look? may ticket you. developer center article update page cheers... rick More discussions in Adobe Captivate adobe

session trouble

i setting shopping cart app , running issues... in application.cfc, onsessionstart creating object instance of user in session: <cffunction name="onsessionstart" returntype="void" output="false"> <cfset session.user = createobject("component","user").init()> </cffunction> the user.cfc looks this: <cfcomponent> <cffunction name="init" access="public" returntype="struct"> <cfset var user = structnew()> <cfset user.userid="#createuuid()#"> <cfset user.cart = createobject("component", "shoppingcart").init()> <cfset = createobject("component", "userinfo").init()> <cfreturn user> </cffunction> </cfcomponent> the shoppingcart.cfc starts this: <cfcomponent output="false"> <!--- initialize cart’s contents ---> <cffunction name="init" ...

Errore durante l'apertura della porta seriale

ragazzi ho un problema che mi sta scoppiando la testa, stavo compilando tranquillamente... e improvvisamente mi appare sto errore: code: [select] errore durante lapertura della porta seriale {0} avrdude: usbdev_open(): did not find usb device "usb" errore durante lapertura della porta seriale '{0}'. at<init>( at<init>( at at at$17.actionperformed( at javax.swing.abstractbutton.fireactionperformed( at javax.swing.abstractbutton$handler.actionperformed( at javax.swing.defaultbuttonmodel.fireactionperformed( at javax.swing.defaultbuttonmodel.setpressed( at javax...

Installing On Linux Fedora Core 4

hello, trying install cfmx 7 on linux fedora core 4 running installation issue. the install bin file states "extracting necessary files installer archive" then... it says "configuring installer systems environment"... then... it gives me error says "awk: cmd. line:6: warning: escape sequence '\.' treated plain '.'" then says "segmentation fault"... does 1 have clue going on here? has had issue when installing on linux fedora core 4 thanks anyones on this! bweno wrote: > hello, trying install cfmx 7 on linux fedora core 4 running > installation issue. > > install bin file states "extracting necessary files > installer archive" > then... > says "configuring installer systems environment"... > then... > gives me error says "awk: cmd. line:6: warning: escape sequence > '\.' treated plain '.'" > says "segmentation fault"... > > ...

error na installatie 1.0.10 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

in het verleden heb ik al een paar joomla sites succesvol geïnstalleerd. vandaag 1.0.10 geïnstalleerd en dat proces verliep probleemloos. in de admin kan ik inloggen en werken (zelfs kan ik nu wysiwyg editen in safari, fantastisch!!), maar het gekke is, dat ik de site niet kan zien vanwege een error. ik krijg slechts de mededeling: fatal error: call undefined function: key_exists() in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 54 heb ik iets on het hoofd gezien? ik meen toch de gebruikelijke installatieprocedure te hebben gevolgd (anders had ik toch niet in de admin kunnen komen?). ik heb nog een tweede schone installatie gedaan: alles opnieuw ge-upload en nieuwe database, helaas met dezelfde error als gevolg. heeft iemand dit ook al meegemaakt? groet, terebinthi voortaan eerst zelf zoeken fuzziedice wrote: apollo, thanks. found out (and didn't time post) basically, due server using older version of php. fix this, 1 needs open /includ...

Thread: Bluetooth turns XFCE into Gnome

i've rediscovered old problem: when click "browse files on device" in bluetooth applet, launches nautilus - , launches full gnome desktop replacing xfce desktop. had same problem 8.04 , 8.10, there found workaround: going desktop settings , unchecking , rechecking "let xfce manage desktop" restart xfce desktop. option no longer present in 9.04. later found proper solution; way tell bluetooth applet add "--no-desktop" parameter prevent gnome taking over. in version don't see place put parameter. what's proper way fix in xubuntu 9.04? or there way browse files on bluetooth device without bringing in of gnome? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [xubuntu] Bluetooth turns XFCE into Gnome Ubuntu

romeo v2 ide0023 et erreur ide 1.03

bonjour tout le monde, alors voili le soucis du lundi, voulant mettre un pde sur un romeov2 pour récupérer les données météo de ma station, je me confronte devant 2 problèmes que je n'arrive pas résoudre. la romeo est sur la base d'une leonardo 32u4 dans le 0022 et 0023 pas de ca en stock, recherches infructueuses pour trouver la solution donc je me rabats vers l'ide 1.03 qui lui la leonardo, mais évidemment, problème de compile. quote weatherstationreceiver.pde: in function 'void packet_converter_ws2355()': weatherstationreceiver:245: error: 'byte' not declared in scope weatherstationreceiver:279: error: 'byte' not declared in scope weatherstationreceiver:302: error: 'byte' not declared in scope j'ai bien tenté un serial.write(byte) ou byte, mais ca change pas. le lien du sketch pour voir si vous avez une idée merci d'avance help urrrrgeeeennnnn...

ADC1 can correct my code??

hi , can 1 tell me how can read in adc1 interrupt1 code ? quote adc_init();       admux=portc1;       admux=(1<<refs0);       tccr0a=(5<<cs00);       timsk0=(1<<toie0);       adcsra=(1<<aden)|(1<<adsc)|(1<<adps0)|(1<<adie)|(1<<adate);       portb=0x00;       ddrb &= ~(1 << ddrb);       sei(); how calling analogread()? Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > ADC1 can correct my code?? arduino

Any chance to prevent drift on a 3DOF gyro?

hi, i played around l3g4200d 3dof gyro sensor using sparkfuns example code. actually need x-axis, sort_of_stable output, when don't move sensor. i had eliminate zero-point errors, there. but unfortunately, huge drift when move sensor , put starting position. is there chance eliminate drift 1 3dof sensor, or need 3dof accelerometer sensor too? i haven't found l3g4200d, using fifo registers here? also couldn't find out yet bandwidth provide best accuracy. <edit> math behind x_angle value not final now. i'm not sure how cope interupt routine , millis()-readings. code: [select] /* l3g4200d 3-axis gyro example code  by: jim lindblom  sparkfun electronics  date: 4/18/11  license: cc-sa 3.0 - use code you'd like, ask  for attribution. , let know if you've improved anything!    circuit:  l3g4200d breakout-------------arduino uno  gnd-----------------------------gnd  vcc---------------------...

Pointer headaches - Casting a &struct to a byte * [solved]

i trying stuff struct through serial line.  in theory, should work - send bytes containing structure stream of bytes, , on other end stream gets put similar struct.  it should work.  if compiler let me. on sending end: code: [select] sendmsg (fwrite, (byte *) (&somestruct), sizeof somestruct); on receiving end: code: [select] recvmsg (favailable, fread, (byte *) (&somestruct), sizeof somestruct, 1000); the sendmsg , recvmsg functions work.  i've tested them.   sends correct number of bytes.  but structure on receiving end remains unchanged.  the data that's transferred never placed in it.  so memory location hosed.   the sendmsg , recvmsg functions nick gammon's rs485 lib, , can trusted work if given correct pointers.  the pointers typecast (byte *). if use buffer , memcpy stuff works fine. want avoid assigning buffer if can short of ram already. i doing wrong pointers.  but what? ...

Thread: installed ubuntu over freebsd, now computer won't boot

hi, got laptop freebsd pre-installed. next day popped in ubuntu 9.04 cd , installed ubuntu. installation went fine. computer starts up, shuts down before splash screen. computer *will* boot , run live cd, though... thoughts? computer works. can see files , directories on hd via live cd. help. takayuki when installed ubuntu did set format ,right? if not might have bsd code left on partition.... Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] installed ubuntu over freebsd, now computer won't boot Ubuntu

[Solved] Quick question about 'next' and 'prev' links - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm having issue where, content items want user not see " " links appear @ bottom of content items. i searched through parameters 1. menu item links it 2. section , category 3. individual content items all able disable [ back] button javascript:go(-1); was messing around template, , discovered these links part of main content, i'm baffled how can remove them. suppose go code, find them, , rid of them, i'm wondering if there better solution? i need disable them content items, or menu links. possible need use different "option=" string? or perhaps different "task="? what trying put our autoresponder online, , providing the solution doesn't have perfect, has allow me rid of 2 links without removing them permenantly code. if has ideas or suggestions, please let me know. hi river - the global configuration used activate , deactivate option across website. logon backend-administrator - 1. select site-global configuration menu option. 2. select ...

Arduino Esplora en Castellano

hola todos. me tomado la molestia de traducir la página oficial de la arduino esplora al castellano para todos aquellos que tienen problemillas con el ingles. espero que sea de vuestro agrado. josemanu, seguro que más de uno le va venir bien. Arduino Forum > International > Español > Documentación (Moderators: surbyte, Hector_A) > Arduino Esplora en Castellano arduino

PathWay: replacing arrow img with a > symbol - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

dunno if title makes sense - wasn't sure how explain want do. i know pathway allows change img uses spacer possible me use greater symbol (>) rather image. i'm sure it's possible - it's more of question of part of pathway include file change. ideas? thanks in advance guys - gaz actually if delete /images/m_images/arrow.png image, pathway function automatically uses > symbol instead of image Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Nuances of shetch Code

i have sample piece of code built 1 of embedded sketches yes simple code , new @ arduino programming have coded in other languages c before , far can tell should working have tried different iterations different forms of if condition no success here sketch , want flash between line 13 onboard led , external led on line 7 switch occur faster , faster until delay 0 starts slowing down until delay hits 1000 , loops again continuously /*  blink  turns on led on 1 second, off 1 second, repeatedly.  this example code in public domain. */ // pin 13 has led connected on arduino boards. // give name: int led = 7; int obled = 13; int dlay = 100; int val = 1; // setup routine runs once when press reset: void setup() {                  // initialize digital pin output.  pinmode(led, output);      pinmode(obled, output);     } // loop routine runs on , on again forever: void loop() {  d...

Introducing "ARMinARM", an STM32 Cortex-M3 breakout board - Raspberry Pi Forums

[edit 2014-08-17: started out addon board 'old' raspberry pi, turned addon b+. model b+ released halfway page. comments 'form factor' may make less sense did when still model b.] hi, i'm working on stm32 arm cortex-m3 breakoutboard raspberry pi. it's called "arminarm", because both raspberry pi , arminarm board contain arm chips, , they're such great companions. raspberry pi used "all-in-one" code-editor/compiler/programmer/debugger/communicator stm32 arm cortex-m3 microcontroller on arminarm board. project page: installation scripts on github: rest: software runs on pi , stm32 based on open source tools , projects. have arm cortex-m0/m1/m3/m4 toolchain (arm-none-eabi-gcc) running on pi. debugging done on pi (without need hardware) openocd's sysfsgpio , gdb. uploading of firmware can done either gdb or supplied...


i having trouble merging web.xml fds , coldfusion. does have sample merge file? thanks just example of web.xml if u understand something/ or might u out. More discussions in LiveCycle Data Services adobe

mouseListener for mousedown function in sub-menu buttons

hello people, sorry ask quite new using in flash, im using as2. have menu appears on mouseover on button, on menu have buttons. these buttons need have function when user clicks , holds down mouse button moves through animation frame frame. i understand basica principal of: var mouselistener:object = newobject (); then calling mouselistener.onmousedown = function() { imgbar.prevframe(); } if see attached code see it, attach code have on top level of flash file, onpress functions work need them replaced onmousedown. as said quite new appologise if noobish error. thanks time , help. More discussions in ActionScript 1 and 2 adobe

Help please - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

dear friends, i got site hacked..yesterday site suspended host after discovering exploitive processess.they have send me 2 e-mails on regard. ama relative newbie , totally upset these. feel helpless while reading mail understand to. please me sort out. what version of joomla have?[/ li] use different versions-for primary domain 1.0.8/one subdomain1.0.8 , other subdomains 1.0.10( result of previous attempt upgrade versions avoid hacking-i failed upgrade joomla version on primary domain(subdomains able both using upgrade file ftp programme).i tried via fantastico upgrade , failed luckily time when host moved site 1 server , used created before version upgradation restore.i didn't know heat @ time due this. what version of php/mysql/apache have? php 4.4.1 / mysql-4.1.18 standard /apache-1.3.34 (uinux) what kind of hosting have ? shared hosting[/color] do have access access logs of server? i think find out. which third party extensions have installed? (components, modules, plugins/m...

Joomla running on MySQL - Switch to MySQLi? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, my site running quite while connecting database using mysql. however, because use mysql4.1.20, i've read better use mysqli make connection. is true? can switch mysqli without problems? (i installed joomla , components mysql , site running quite while now) also, awhat advantages of using mysqli? regards. hi, my first suggestion search forum on "mysqli". lot's of similar topics showing might find help. if joomla! running on mysqli, there other problems. i'm expecting extensions won't work mysqli either. regards robin Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Installation - 1.0.x

RC Receiver Servo out Signal to Servo

hey folks, i new arduino, programmes c# , vba before never in connection hardware. i far let leds blinks, move servo , show stuff on display how can connect rc-receiver arduino uno , read servosignal send servo ? the servo gets angle should move to controll servo use following code: code: [select] // sweep // barragan <> // example code in public domain. #include <servo.h> servo myservo;  // create servo object control servo                 // maximum of 8 servo objects can created int pos = 0;    // variable store servo position void setup() {   myservo.attach(9);  // attaches servo on pin 9 servo object } void loop() {     myservo.write(pos);              // tell servo go position in variable 'pos'     delay(15);                       // waits 15ms se...

Making a transformer as an experiment

hello! i thinking making basic transformer possible experiment. first, want find out if possible or not. have small cardboard tube , magnum wire. make 100 coils of wire on tube, , secure clear tape. then, make 50 coils on top of first coil separate wire, , secure that. if power primary coil of 100 coils oscillating dc current of 9v, 4.5v generated in second coil (step down transformer)? 50-coil used primary instead, voltage stepped 18v? thanks! quote with oscillating dc current... in case, wouldn't dc.    can run square-wave through transformer, don't square wave out of secondary. you may able make "works", it's not easy make efficient-usable transformer.  with 100 turns, won't have inductance , dc resistance low.   at low frequencies (say 50hz or 60hz power-line frequency) you'll current through primary coil.   if have high-frequency oscillator, experiment that, still idea limit current...

Error trying to write picture to my home directory - Raspberry Pi Forums

i experimenting setting pi surveillance camera using christoph buenger 's set ... nce-camera have problem don't understand. when boot pi camera led turns on turn off after few seconds. checking /tmp/motion.log file shows errors trying write files home directory. don't understand why should happening. code: select all pi@pi-a ~ $ cat /tmp/motion.log [-1242643616] [ntc] [all] [jul 13 15:56:37] motion_startup: using log type (all) log level (wrn) [1] [alr] [vid] [jul 13 15:56:37] mmalcam_start: mmal camera thread starting... camera ( of 1024 x 576 @ 2 fps [1] [alr] [vid] [jul 13 15:56:37] mmalcam_start: mmal camera using video capture [1] [err] [enc] [jul 13 15:58:32] ffmpeg_open: url_fopen - error opening file /home/pi/01-20140713155832.avi ... check access rights target directory: [1] [err] [evt] [jul 13 15:58:32] event_ffmpeg_newfile: ffopen_open error creating (new) file [/home/pi/01-20140713155832.avi]: [1] [err] [al...

Thread: jaunty and starcraft

so have learned jaunty not play nice starcraft, think, should wait karmic play game or revert intrepid. need getting game work, have mini 10v , running unr ps first linux computer since rh verson 7 long time ago on pentium one, im helpless Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Wine jaunty and starcraft Ubuntu

nieuwsbrief module samen met community builder - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

jongens er een goede module om nieuwsbrief te maken en te versturen onder de gebruikers (500+ geregisteerde gebruikers) van communitybuilder wie kan een goede recente nieuwsbrief module geven ik heb letterman al gebruikt, maar werkt niet echt lekker vind ik ik gebruik sinds kort de yanc-newsletter component. het voordeel van deze component dat deze geintegreerd kan worden in comm.builder (aan-/afmelden kan via een tabblad bij je profiel in cb via een plugin). ik weet niet hoe het component omgaat met grotere partijen, mijn site bevat slechts 100 leden, maar mij bevalt het component goed. Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Dutch Forum Joomla! 1.0 Componenten 1.0.x

Stream feed to my own website - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello guys! saw lot of methods stream video via rtmp , view in avc player , other players. how can stream video own website? using html5 , don`t know how approach this. the html5 spec not prevent live video in source tag or rtp in webrtc connection don't think it's implemented in browser yet. maybe try this: ... tc+support more links: ... ource.html ... iertp_rtcp #/ raspberrypi

my site ruined help!! 404SEF - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ive posted other places, , far no luck finding help i switched hosts, , redirects made 404sef comming 404 not found.  every 404sef link made works, ones went in , changed after made dont work.  when republish items comming 404 not found, new 404sef redirect url comes up, when go in change new url old url had orignially, tells me url exists in database (because of first time did it)  cannot find these lost urls in 404sef's edit feature, completly lost in cyberspace.  im thinking maybe uninstalling it, , reinstalling , starting over.  clear out old 404sef urls? need urls how because of link issues promotion any ideas? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

pass variables

i want pass variable represent filename swf file hypertext link in html document. when user clicks on link has ?variablename=filename_to_use appended "normal" link page, this variablename passed swf file. i've created target swf file have actionscript flvplaycomponent filename hard-coded in actionscript. want actionscript use variable representing filename_to_use passed url line. the following actionscript plays flv file taken flash help: creating application flvcomponent original version: import*; this.attachmovie("flvplayback", "my_flvplybk", 10, {width:320, height:240, x:100, y:100}); = "file:///install_drive|/program files/macromedia/flash 8/en/configuration/skins/clearoverplayseekmute.swf" my_flvplybk.contentpath = ""; version using filename passed variable instead of water.flv import*; this.attachmovie("flvplayback", "m...

Thread: rtorrent & gigabit connection

my server running ubuntu karmic 64bit, it's on gigabit connection have few issues in rtorrent. max down / speed has been 30mb/s, in theory should able reach 100mb/s+. there tweaks can within linux and/or rtorrent increase performance? there plenty of peers , should on 30mb/s, usual speeds ~20mb/s. many thanks. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] rtorrent & gigabit connection Ubuntu

Get HTML news articles into Joomla News - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i trying html news articles joomla news i try paste tiny mce html editor  html keeps looking html i have news articles in xoops site contain iframes , other general html these news articles joomla news use no wysiwyg editor plug html content articles. regards dave Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Upgrading - 1.0.x

Windows XP cannot shutdown after installing latest Flash Player

anybody know wrong latest version of flash player? i installed latest version of flash player (download adobe), when need shutdown windows xp, system not allow me shutdown. have terminate process install_flash_player appreciate if can advice me.. haven't ever heard of windows not being able shut down at all because of process. if anything, it'll ask if want terminate it, , hit ok , continues shutting down. not call lair or anything, hadn't ever heard of that, i'd try re-installing flash player first , foremost. don't download same player , install, first download flash_uninstaller, re-download flash player, , install it. More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Having Trouble with a few bits RE: my adc Pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, hoping me out. i'm pretty new raspi, python, linux etc, i've been working few weeks now. programming has gone ok far have hit brick wall. bought ab electronics adc pi, , followed instructions posted on following website: went until step 5 when got import quickwire error. followed instructions on forum: able run program, , see output expected, typing export line "export pythonpath=$pythonpath:$home/quick2wire-python-api" lxterminal. nothing else on page worked in terms of getting line run startup... have come conclusion file ~/.profile cant run during startup... right? thing encountered file run typing ./ , not tried many times sudo python concern because wish adapt code in file add modular program i'm building kind of data logger, run scrip prefix sudo python may simple misunderstanding of executable file...

Changing Register and Login Modules - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey, php files located can change of following pages.  i.e. bold certian words center it, etc.. the register page: and the: ... rials.html i'd make little more welcoming then: you not authorized view resource. you need login. where change that? you can change verbage in language file. yoursite/language/english.php. for  _not_auth & _do_login. the registration page yoursite/components/com_registration/registration.html.php Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

Help please with small motor timing script

hi everyone. absolutely amazed @ arduino community , hoped simpleton me. girlfriends son has school project , helping him build castle. wanted add motor pull draw bridge. it's small mini type castle found small dc motor in had hoped use arduino mini or nano make run few seconds, if that. basically, idea maybe have laser/optical trigger. small soldier type character goes past entrance , draw bridge goes up. so crosses optical field, motor turns on few seconds, turns off abruptly, , stays off until tripped again. can me code? didn't think need motor shield since run few seconds @ time @ most, , wouldn't run many time or have load on it. thanks in advance!!! you need motor shield. try using servo instead! mark Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Help please with small motor timing script ...

Arduino ADK Mega vs. Arduino Leonardo

hello guys! my first post on forum! ok guys check out need ya maybe allready discussed dont know do: ive got project controll servomotor directly connected µc. at first used atmega2560 xbeeshield , bluetooth module. wrote code connected , tested it, worked. servo moving positions decide. now im putting same code on leonardo bluetooth module. servo cant reach of positons!! i dont know tried on leonardo following pins 9,11,3; please me fast thank machete quote now im putting same code , which, rather inconsiderately, didn't post. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > Arduino ADK Mega vs. Arduino Leonardo arduino

Sound speichern ?

hallo zusammen, ich habe eine frage: wie kann ich eine melodie mit einem arduino speichern bzw. diese dann vergleichen ? als basic würde mir der in den examples unter "sensor" liegende "knock" code genügen (lediglich low / high abfrage) nun müsste ich die werte aber irgendwie speichern um sie dann, im 2. durchlauf zu vergleichen. beispiel: ich nehme eine morsocode ähnliche tonfolge auf und dann in einem 2. durchlauf vergleichen ob sie sich ähneln/ gleich sind. ist das irgendwie möglich ? evntl via millis ? würde mich über hilfe sehr freuen mfg hey fre3mind, mir wird aus deinem post nicht klar du genau speichern und vergleichen willst. "sound" wie in der Überschrift, audiodateien? eine melodie, tonhöhen und -längen? oder nur einen rhythmus? für letzteres würde ich ein array mit länge der anzahl der pulse anlegen, in dem du immer die zeit zwischen zwei signalen speicherst. in einer schleife rufst du den sensor ab. wenn ein klop...

[Component] Backup Joomla??? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hehehe .... sorry aa tanya soklan mcm nie ...  mcm mana nak wat backup utk site joomla kite termasuk ngan content item/database sql dlm tu sekali agar mudah utk wat backup tiap2 mgg dan mudah install balik kalo ade ape2 yg berlaku pada server hosting .... ade tools tak nak wat backup nie ?? alahai.. manyakkk care... bukak search "backup". ... /cat_id,0/ i use one.. jombackup daily mysql backup bot ... itemid,35/ Board index Joomla! International Language Support International Zone Malaysian Forum

Thread: Jaunty - shutting down without a mouse

hi all, can't seem find easy way graphically shutdown jaunty if mouse isn't working. know can go terminal via alt f1 , 'sudo shutdown -h now' option shutdown in menus gone. there way find graphical shutdown menu via alt f1? or there way add shutdown icon menu? crt+atl+delete enter (or wait 60 secs auto shut down). gui way shutdown, if ur gui messed still works dont see properly. can down arrow before press enter select restart. edit: can restart @ command line using "sudo reboot" Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [SOLVED] Jaunty - shutting down without a mouse Ubuntu

How to bind accordion header enabled property to a Boolean value using Actionscript

good morning! i'm using accordion container (an mxml component made) 5 panels contain forms , form items. i'm attempting control access accordion container's panels disabling individual headers unless user completes data input in sequential fashion, 1 panel after another. i tried this: bindingutils.bindproperty(this.getheaderat(1),"enabled",mybooleanvar,"???"); ...where "???" should name of true/false property of boolean variable-but don't know property name is. i'm trying in actionscript, have same issue when using <mx:binding> tag. first time trying this, maybe there simpler method. guidance appreciated, thanks! More discussions in Flex (Read Only) adobe

RELEASE: EmulationStation 2.0-RC1 - Raspberry Pi Forums

. . . after 10 months of silence - present you... . . . . . . . . emulationstation 2.0 - release candidate 1 . . . after 10 months of relative silence, we're ready release. proud present emulationstation 2.0, release candidate 1! don't know, emulationstation front-end popular raspberry pi retro gaming distribution retropie . runs on windows , flavors of linux. "we" because project no longer myself . nils bonenberger joined project in december, , has been assisting ui design, graphics, , testing. results speak themselves: (click full size) here's video if in action! new features: built-in, graphical scraper system. no more using external python script. automatically download full names, box art, descriptions, release dates, , optionally ratings. can scrape several systems @ once, or individual games. built-in, graphical metadata editor. no more editing xml files hand. press "select" butt...