How to use serial monitor to input initial set of constants?
hello , reading. i've been working on few hours , haven't come close want do. have 3 motors in shield, , want use serial monitor manually set constants, runtime each motor. ideally functionality in python, raw_input() prompts input, , after press enter, value saved , used rest of program. assumed easy guess it's not.
tried modify example sketch try 2 constants , use them blink leds @ different rates. it's proof of concept doesn't matter me if works or not problems i'm experiencing a). when type in values, inconsistent on whether blinkrate 1 or 2 being changed, seems random though me, void loop() sequential. secondly, integers aren't converting right while working fine 1 blink function , number input, default sketch. know sketch sloppy want concept down. if can shed light or point me code used monitor set constants tremendously. time.
tried modify example sketch try 2 constants , use them blink leds @ different rates. it's proof of concept doesn't matter me if works or not problems i'm experiencing a). when type in values, inconsistent on whether blinkrate 1 or 2 being changed, seems random though me, void loop() sequential. secondly, integers aren't converting right while working fine 1 blink function , number input, default sketch. know sketch sloppy want concept down. if can shed light or point me code used monitor set constants tremendously. time.
code: [select]
* serialreceive sketch
* blink led @ rate proportional received digit value
const int ledpin = 13; // pin led connected to
const int ledpin2=11;
int blinkrate=0; // blink rate stored in variable
int blinkrate2=0;
int value;
int value2;
void setup()
serial.begin(9600); // initialize serial port send , receive @ 9600 baud
pinmode(ledpin, output); // set pin output
void loop()
// blink led on , off times determined blinkrate
void blink(){
(int i=0;i<100;i++){
delay(blinkrate); // delay depends on blinkrate value
void blink2(){
for(int i=0;i<100;i++){
void getnum() {
if( serial.available())
char ch =;
if( isdigit(ch) )// ascii digit between 0 , 9?
value = (value * 10) + (ch - '0'); // yes, accumulate value
else if (ch == 10) // character newline character?
blinkrate = value; // set blinkrate accumulated value
serial.print("here blinkrate 1 ");
value = 0; // reset val 0 ready next sequence of digits
void getnum2() {
if( serial.available())
char ch2 =;
if( isdigit(ch2) )// ascii digit between 0 , 9?
value2 = (value2 * 10) + (ch2 - '0'); // yes, accumulate value
else if (ch2 == 10) // character newline character?
blinkrate2 = value2; // set blinkrate accumulated value
serial.print("here blinkrate 2 ");
value2 = 0; // reset val 0 ready next sequence of digits
what have line ending set in serial monitor ?
as aside, setting variables, not constants, not cause of problem, merely misuse of word constant in context.
as aside, setting variables, not constants, not cause of problem, merely misuse of word constant in context.
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > How to use serial monitor to input initial set of constants?
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