
Showing posts from May, 2013

TC and PWM

i have 2 questions atmel sam3x data sheet. 1) tc i found description follows, 37.6.2 32-bit counter, " when counter has reached value 0xffff , passes 0x0000". must 0xffffffff , 0x00000000. right ? 2) pwm these registers,"pwm_cdtyx pwm_cprdx pwm_ccntx", figured follows, bit23 throught bit16 seems not zero. read "only first 16 bits channel counter size) significant.". first 16bits means bit15 through bit 0 ? thanks 1) can confirm tc counter in fact 32bit data sheet must typo. 2) i'm not totally sure registers pretty sure sam3x registers start @ lsb "first" 16 bits should numbers 0 through 15 Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Due (Moderator: fabioc84) > TC and PWM arduino

Lettura dati python da arduino

buongiorno tutti avrei bisogno di un chiarimento. recentemente ho creato un programma server python che legge dati via seriale usb collegato arduino con il raspberry dove sua volta python ha un contatore contenuto in una variabile ed arrivato ad un certo numero stabilito si comporta inviando messaggi push di notifica sul mio iphone. il mio problema e' che dopo qualche giorno mi ritrovo doverlo riavviare perché si blocca probabilmente termina la memoria. che voi sappiate , c'è qualche regola voi nota da adottare in funzione della seriale di modo che sia sempre efficiente evitando questo inconveniente? grazie mille fabry devi spiegarti meglio, io ho solo capito che hai un problema ma non ho capito se dipende dal rasp o dall'arduino. Arduino Forum > International > Italiano > Software (Moderator: leo72) ...

Servo motor noise in analog input

i'm trying move servo motor according audio stream. noticed servo gets connected, there noise in analog read value. removed , connected a0 gnd, servo 5v, gnd , pin 9, uploaded below code , watched serial monitor. got noise in analog input average value of 30 , max of 40. if remove servo, flat 0 reading, expected. behavior expected servo , how prevent polluting analog inputs? tried adding 0.1uf , 10uf caps servo power pins of no use. -antzy code: [select] #include <servo.h> servo myservo;  // create servo object control servo int pos = 0;    // variable store servo position int sensorvalue; void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);   myservo.attach(9);  // attaches servo on pin 9 servo object } void loop() {   for(pos = 0; pos < 180; pos += 1)  // goes 0 degrees 180 degrees   {                                  // in steps of 1 degree ...

need help to write a code please

kindly, want write code read  analog signal 10 times , put these reading in matrix as code: [select] for (int i=0;i<10;i++) {    a[i]=readread(a0); } then compare elements of matrix if belong matrix contain 50 elements as int b[50] = { 512,519,520,600,...........................,400}; i not want make loop compare 50 times cause take long time...i want code check minimum time tell want do, not how think should it. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > need help to write a code please arduino

[Solved] What is the character encoding of Arduino's Serial messages?

hello i have little problem, i'm writing .net program serial monitor. in arduino ide's serial monitor, message sent arduino, such "commande reçue", appear correctly. but in program, "ç" not displayed , shows "?" instead  -> "commande re?ue". i wondering, serial message encoded to, , how can display correctly in program. here how read serial port, , fill textbox message: code: [select] string^ input = this->serialport1->readexisting(); this->textbox2->appendtext( input ); if try this: code: [select] string^ input = "ç \u00e7"; this->textbox2->appendtext( input ); then see in textbox is: "ç ç" i'm lost ps: i'm beginner in writing windows form programs please me fix problem, in link, encoding ascii. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino ...

Board Game Position

i trying build board game has curved paths. want illuminate player's position on path during gameplay. need 3 rows of 120 lights each make happen. kicker is under strict $100 budget. have arduino uno, isn't factored budget. does have idea how this? thank help! richard you can bulk packs of leds quite cheaply on ebay (i've found 100x 5mm leds gbp 2.99). best way drive them either 6 x 60 multiplexing (requiring 8x 8-bit shift registers such 74hc595 , 60 series resistors), or 8 x 45 multiplexing (requiring 6x 8-bit shift registers , 45 series resistors). the best way wire leds shift registers , column drivers depends on combinations of leds need lit @ time. 74hc595 has total current limit of 70ma. if need light leds attached @ once, limits 9ma per led. showing path, choosing layout of matrix appropriately, can reduce number of leds connected each shift register concurrently illuminated, allowing use higher currents. ...

Hit Counter in php

ok have found many forums on topic none answer question. want add visitor count detailed record page count hits specific record. (eg. i dont need results displayed on page want record number in main database named 'page' in 'hits' field. session variable nice. trying create top ten section based on number of hits. please help! jh369057 wrote: > ok have found many forums on topic none answer question. > want add visitor count detailed record page count hits > specific record. (eg. when create new record, set value of hits field 0. in detailed.php add following code: if (isset($_get['recordid'])) { $rec = $_get['recordid']; // add database connection code here $sql = 'update nameoftable set hits = (hits + 1) recordid = '. mysql_real_escape_string($rec); mysql_query($sql); } -- david powers, adobe community expert author...

Control stepper motor with 2 pins - 1 direction only

does know of way control stepper motor 2 pins? needs turn 1 direction. thanks. have looked using l298 based shield? i imagine wire figure 6, each coil replace motor. then drive coils in parallel both pulsed turn motor in same direction high pulse on in1 / in3, , low pulse on in2 / in4. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > Control stepper motor with 2 pins - 1 direction only arduino

Progressive download of SWF file - possible?

with flv files, possible have progressive downloads. in other words, while part of video playing, rest of downloading. i want have swf files contain frame based animations. flash work same way swf files also? in other words, possible play part of swf file's frames, while rest of downloading, or need downloaded first , start play. thanks in advance! hkundra > want have swf files contain frame based animations. flash work > same way swf files also? yes, works same. loading first frame last in order come. but, take note, if place animation inside movie clip , clip on frame (example) 10, need stop on frame , load entire movie clip progress frame 11. streaming , progressive loading happens if content spread across main timeline. -- best regards urami -- "never play leap-frog unicorn." <urami> if want mail me - not laugh @ address </urami> More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Spännande nöjesportal - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hejsan! kul att alltid höra lite vad folk tycker och tänker ang. layout. så nu lägger jag in en liten länk till en lokal nöjesportal för karlskrona. vi körde denna sidan ren html ett år. sen var det dags att göra om sidan så att den blev mer användarvänlig vad gällde våra egna skribenter. råkade stöta på joomla eter en stunds letande, och nu ligger sajten uppe byggd på joomla. jag fick dock hugga en programmerare som kunde göra om templates och lite sånt här så att den var anpassad efter förra sidan. för vi ska ha nån form av löpsedelformat på et snyggt sätt. kika gärna in på och se vad ni tycker om den  förresten, ni får gärna kika in på forumet för "allmänna frågor" och kolla på ämnet "lite funderingar" och se om ni har svar på någon av mina undringar. det hjälper mig jättemycket om ni har svar på någon av frågorna =) ha det bäst! mvh daniel först av allt vill jag säga att jag är mycket imponerad över layouten. om jag bodde karlskrona skulle ja...

What is required for wireless communication?

hi there, i have arduino uno , i'm looking trigger start of main code bloc using wireless buttons. need print on wireless lcd. have been looking @ various shields bluetooth, rfid, wifi etc. range of communication isn't particularly important i'm doing feasibility project. in future range around 100m. when purchase shield have buy additional pieces make shield come life? do need 2 uno's, 2 shields , 2 chips make wireless communication work? any assistance appreciated. regards, alex. quote from: amhenderson on jun 20, 2013, 07:33 am when purchase shield have buy additional pieces make shield come life? depends on shield. quote do need 2 uno's, 2 shields , 2 chips make wireless communication work? depends on shield. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > What is required for wireless communicati...

Fading Streaming Sound?

i building flash movie animation synced music in timeline using streaming sound. @ 1 point need fade music out , jump flv, jump in , fade music in @ same point left off. is there way turn down volume of streaming sound? quote: originally posted by: chrysanthemum7 i building flash movie animation synced music in timeline using streaming sound. @ 1 point need fade music out , jump flv, jump in , fade music in @ same point left off. is there way turn down volume of streaming sound? i need exact same thing, 1 addition. need know if user shut music off first off button. if did, want leave off. help! More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Resolve Library Conflict

i'm new flash, working on first flash project, hoping question has easy answer. i've been trying move particular symbol library onto stage, , when do, i'm getting "resolve library conflict" error says "one or more library items exist in document." , gives me choice replace existing items or not. appears happening 1 or 2 particular symbols, not of them. did use same symbol (as graphic bullet) earlier in project no problem, won't let me use again. however, have other symbols in library have used multiple times throughout project , don't error pop-up when moving them new frames. don't see mention of in flash book, if let me know why i'm getting , how resolve it, sure appreciate it. thanks. what you're describing happen if dragging library of 1 flash document stage of flash document. library can have 1 copy of symbol given name. make sure you've clicked on stage of 1 want drag to, in order see library. it's idea name symbols ...

head section of a Joomla template - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hey all, can please check head section on index.php in joomla template, re-evaluating how it. have now, comments, mistakes? thanks, code: select all <?php defined( '_valid_mos' ) or die( 'direct access location not allowed.' ); $iso = split( '=', _iso ); echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'. $iso[1] .'"?' .'>'; ?> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <?php mosshowhead(); ?> <?php } if ( $my->id ) { initeditor(); } ?> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; <?php echo _iso; ?>" /> <link href="<?php echo $mosconfig_live_site;?>/templates/<?php echo $cur_template;?>/css/template_css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> ...

pad sensor of pressure

i want sensor pad a4 paper format can recognize touch pressure in ipad or touch screen lcd. where can find it? you use 4 sensors in corners , calculate pressure point. or matrix, this, there foot pressure measuring devices. have matrix of pressure sensors analog value of force/pressure @ each point. i found few interesting things: Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > pad sensor of pressure arduino

HELP!! XBee Series 1 GPIO Star-Network Setup!

for want accomplish believe star-network topology sufficient. readings, should able accomplish such topology via xbee s1.  at moment, coordinator receiving api packets every 20ms, however, no matter how press buttons connected end device 1, incoming api packets stay same.  so not sure problem is. configuration settings off? did miss something? i using series 1 xbees, modem type xb24, function set: xbee 802.15.4 , version 10ec. please advise. appreciated! quote any appreciated! you need current limiting resistor on led. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > HELP!! XBee Series 1 GPIO Star-Network Setup! arduino

mosfet gate driver IC

hi all, can recomend me mosfet gate driver ic me texas instruments. h bridge control brushed dc motor. using irf530. regards why texas instruments?  irf530 you'll need 12v supply driver, , bootstrapped high-low drivers. does application need charge pump high-side drivers?  voltage system? searching ti chips found lm5100 - doesn't have charge pump cannot leave high-side mosets on continuously (pwm them below 100% duty cycle). there wide range of drivers available - half-h-bridge, low-side or high-side, some whole h-bridge (hip4081c example, has charge pump), 3-phase bridge (hip4086, fan7888, fan7388), i've never used texas instruments chip myself - there lot of international rectifier and fairchild parts. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > mosfet gate driver IC ...

IFrame breaks template - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm trying add  "shop", using html affiliate.....................i did on hour of 'trial & error', pasting html @ umpteen dozen places, until found place wanted be. if here: you'll see breaks template little ( "little" cos shoulda seem of template breaks lol) sooooooo..... there ( relatively) 'easy' way fix break? seems need "shift" left side items little bit, of course, have no idea how html knowledge pretty consists of 'trial & error". thanks advice/suggestions  @kidsphoenixx hmm, looks stuff want display big (wide) space want put in. either, going make original html smaller, or going have make template wider. maybe there way display 4 items in row instead of 5, should fix too. i downloaded me template lichtenart , have @ it, how hard make wider, looks lot of tables in design , not helpful. alex ...

Controlling speed of DC fan with PWM? - Raspberry Pi Forums

would similar setup work, instead of using 5v + g on controller (it's 12 volt fan, i'll have check ma draw tonight), using original wall plug power supply, or different power supply work? in other words, resistor, transistor, diode connected rpi pwm gpio pin, collector/emitter wiring going separate power supply? ... tors/parts ... ransistors 5 v work ened give twist run slower raspberrypi

Custom php.ini file - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i read alot global register_off being important security reasons. i asked host , directed me information. hope helps. also, wanted verify me, if added right info - - start script here - - // put php.ini parameters want change below. 1 per line. // follow example format $parm[] = "parameter = value"; $parm[] = "register_globals = off"; $parm[] = "session.use_trans_sid = 0"; // full unix path - location of default php.ini file @ host // can determine location of default file using phpinfo() $defaultpath = '/usr/local/lib/php.ini';  // full unix path - location want custom php.ini file $custompath = "/home/user/public_html/php.ini"; $parm[] = "upload_max_filesize = 4m";    // user specified max file upload size $parm[] = "post_max_size = 10m";    // user specified post max size // nothing should change below line. if (file_exists($defaultpath)) {   $contents = file_get_co...

Create Flash Content for Pocket PC &quot;Windows Mobile 2003 SE&quot; from Flash Professional 8

hi all, i create standalone flash application on 2 pocket pcs (dell axim x50 , qtek s110). these pocket pc uses "windows mobile 2003 se" operating system. at time, have installed "flash player 7 pocket pc" on 2 pocketpcs. apparently, have not flash player application that able load .swf files plugin pocket ie. confirm? i have license use "flash professional 8". explain me procedure publish flash content pocket pc? which flash version have use? which action script have use? is possible test application flash pro 8? finally, develop flash application in fullscreen mode , not embedded pocket ie. possible realize flash pro 8? sincerely, romain hi romain. as @ time of writing, i suggest have @ flash assist antmobile ( it allow view flash content @ full screen. it officially supports flash 5 , 6, i've used flash 7 ppc. flash 7 ppc supports 2.0 macromedia hasn't released stand alone player / distribution kit, or cdk flash pla...


i wanting set form on site, people can come , enter in e-mail, , e-mail entered something, not familiar how supposed work on technical end, , when newletter created, newsletter can e-mail every person on list (the people have entered in e-mails). i hope have been clear enough, not sure how go setting up, yet see on majority of sites know cannot complicated, if have not been so, please let me know , i'll try make more sense. i appriciate help. what want create form, , connect database db file. can find plenty of tutorials on google or in here on that. or if prefer, can purchase this.. which limited coding required. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

jTips produces error while saving games... - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

anyone experience sweet little jtips ( ... itemid,35/ ) component (for managing/tipping sportgames)? it installs expected -on joomla 1.0.8- , after having followd instuctions in accompanying helpfile, i'm getting error while trying save round management/round games. i've filles al necessary fields, still following erro beeing produced:  anyone else having issue...or not @ all? thnanks in advance. ps: i've tried review coponent @ extensions-page, somehow review not published. nevermind... i see there's feedback/bugtrace @ ... s.topc4107 mod's may close topic, if want... Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Extensions - 1.0.x Components

ntfs-3g manually compiling - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi, i'm new forum, , "sort of" advanced user of rpi's. there pi-fileserver providing solid 1 tb hard drive disk (thermaltake) family. had performance issues ntfs-3g before, , using other disk formats not option moment, thinking maybe compile package manually: ... fs-3g.html question is: compiling ntfs-3g on rpi provide performance upgrade on implementation? there special recommendation this? has tried before? in advance. raspbian port of debian specially tuned pi - debian armel doesn't use pis hardware-floating point unit , targets arm variant 2 revisions older than 1 on pi. don't forget ntfs-3g user-space driver. tuxera itself says own kernel driver lot faster ntfs-3g. bottom line : you're in effort diminishing returns. ghans ps.: somehow came think of : (it's joke , don't take serious.) raspberrypi

Simple Shopping Cart

i trying develop simple shopping cart. i have created array of structures follows. <cfif not isdefined("session.shoppingcart")> <cfset session.shoppingcart = arraynew(1)> </cfif> <cfset additem = structnew()> <cfset => <cfset => <cfset additem.color = form.color> <cfset arrayappend(session.shoppingcart, additem)> i delete given entry in array given particular, id = 220 here code try , delete item <cfloop from="1" to="#arraylen(session.shoppingcart)#" index="i"> <cfif session.shoppingcart .id eq> <cfset foo = structdelete(session.shoppingcart , id)> <cfelse> </cfif> </cfloop> this not working. guess perhaps should delete array entry, can't figure out how this. in advance. -noah duh, figured out. <cfset bar = arraydeleteat(session.shoppingcart, i)> i having problem when looping not sur...

Who wants to be critical of my work! (School Work)

of course lol i've attached word doc post, require @ results , make sure made no huge obvious mistakes regarding current flow / voltage (closed/open) circuits. sorry being .doc file, installed open office. thanks... i'm concerned results open circuit voltage acting lecturers lol quote predictions (i) assume led became 'short circuited' (i . e. it's its resistance became zero). determine values following , explain… regarding "table 3" results -- there's no voltage across open circuit, meter's impedance, though high, completes circuit nonetheless.  in days of yore, meter loading big deal; these days, nobody has care "ohms / volt" or "kohms / volt". Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Who wants to be critical of my work! (School Work) a...

MAX31855 thermocouple (K) temperature way out - doing my head in.

i working on max31855 based system, , can't right temperature. i have k probe connecting k socket 1½" board, 0.5" of traces board entry point chip.  chip powered 3.3v, , decoupled, etc. the temperature probe reads way off real temperature. i have dmm temperature probe.  @ room temperature (25° today) both read same value. when max31855 reads 100° dmm reads 147°.  when max31855 reads 150° dmm reads 244°.  have melted solder paste (reflow temperature ~220°) confirm dmm right temperature, , max3155 wrong. things have tried: if swap probes (they both k) same results. as wires link k socket pcb, have used both normal 25awg , proper k thermocouple wire (offcuts old thermocouple). the chip mounted underside of board 10mm enclosure.  enclosure has ventilation directly below chip, stays @ room temperature (this later addition see if helped problem, no avail). a couple of degrees difference can tolerate. 100° difference taking wet. i have scoured ...

USB HUB with 5V Source - Raspberry Pi Forums

i put fountain in hub encore, , connect usb cable hub 1 of 2 usb's raspberry entries, hence called had not connected usb cable micro usb him. got feedback? have problems? voltage on 5.30 v. more! this called "backpowering", , believe many people do. it's not technically allowed usb specs though, , better quality usb hubs tend not it. "risk" you're bypassing input polyfuse f3, there stop excessive current if short-circuits. raspberrypi

I apologize in advance...

i total newbie @ web design, , dreamweaver. trying put online store boss, , clothing items need option boxes colors, styles , sizes. bought "missing pages" manual, , while it's helpful, i'm @ standstill....there's information, , can't seem find right section. help! candy > total newbie @ web design, , dreamweaver. trying put > online store boss, , clothing items need option > boxes > colors, styles , sizes. bought "missing pages" manual, , > while > it's helpful, i'm @ standstill....there's information, , > can't > seem find right section. building ecommerce solution not that's never built web site before. there's no need apologize, @ point, you're going best hiring out firm experience doing sort of thing. -darrel More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Otra forma de hacer el Serial.print()

buenas, alguien sabe alguna forma de que usando un ultrasonidos la distancia que se muestra por pantalla vaya guardandose en la misma posicion en vez de sacar todas las posiciones por pantalla? ejemplo: distancia: 297cm //esta es la que ira cambiando conforme cambie la distancia del ultrasonidos en vez de : distancia: 297cm 284cm 299cm ... hola,        si quieres que salgan en distintas lineas puedes usar serial.println(); cuando escribes "cm" para que de esa manera el próximo valor aparezca en la línea siguiente, algo así: code: [select] void setup() {     //tu codigo ... } void loop() {     //tu codigo ...     enviardistancia(distancia); } void enviardistancia(byte d) {     serial.print("distancia: ");     serial.print(d);     serial.println(cm); //esto añade un retorno de carro y salto de linea (\r\n) al final }     ahora si lo que quieres es si...

The buccaneer , imprimante 3D

bonjour à tous, voila un petit post qui pourra intéresser ! pour ceux qui n'on jamais entendu parler de buccaneer voila un aperçu : c'est une imprimante 3d low coast qui demandait 100k$ d'investissement sur kickstarter pour commencé l'industrialisation et qui à déjà atteins 960k$ alors que le délais n'est même pas fini !!!! cette imprimante 3d ( plastique, 15cmx15cmx15cm ) sera au prix de 350$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ce qui permettra surement à d'entre nous de pouvoir investir dans ce petit bijoux sans y laisser un bras ! donc pour tout ceux qui on passer de longue heure à sculpter du plastique pour ce faire un prototype voila votre solution moi perso des que possible j'investi :p en espérant vous avoir tenté :p skizo ! bonjour, j'ai vu un truc du même style aujourd'hui via un site avec une tête dans du polystirene, impossible de remettre la main dessus. c'est vrai que c'est sympatoche...

networking question - oddities - Raspberry Pi Forums

hey all, having networking issue raspberry pi. have following setup currently. office: modem -> router -> switch (gig) office, have cable plugged punched ethernet socket/port. that, cable goes attic. in attic have 5 port switch (gig). switch, have cable dropped master bedroom. comes directly through wall. now, when plug in cable switch in office (which goes wall) laptop, connection. when connect laptop cable teh office->attic directly, connection. when use brand new eth 5e cable on port on switch laptop (wih table office plugged switch), online/connection. when connect cable going master bedroom switch, , plug in laptop in master bedroom (again direct attic switch->laptop) connection. here weird part. when plug in cable in master bedroom (connected switch in attic->office wall->office switch), pi not recognize connection. if use cable office switch, , take master bedroom , plug in pi, connection works fine. can explain me why connection work on laptop (...

Need Help

hi- have took on citie youth hockey website , have had basic instructions predisecor. every few weeks have uopdate games , practice on site , trying follow has been there. add info every time hit return button next line, looks double spacing. found if go code section , type in <br /> changes single space between line. is there simplier way this?? seems lot of work , copy , paste not seem work correctly either. trying make process easier since adding info every few weeks 8 teams,etc... any appreciated. text > there simplier way this?? sure. use css control default top/bottom margins on <p> tags, e.g., p { margin-top:4px; margin-bottom:4px; } or p { margin:0; } -- murray --- icq 71997575 adobe community expert (if *must* email me, don't laugh when so!) ================== - dw faqs, tutorials & resources - dw faqs, tutorials & resources ================== "gdp2001" <webforumsuser@m...

Bug assigning templates in 1.0.10? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have site multiple templates. upgraded 1.0.10. old template assignments fine when try assign templates items have been placed in menus since upgrade assignments ignored , default template used. oddly, seem able update template assignments on items placed in menus prior upgrade. has had similar experience? suggestions? thanks! i had issue few weeks ago w/ menu items. found resolved redownloading full 1.0.10 install, , reuploading the /administrator folder , contents. i'm not sure if there file not in upgrade path or what, seems resolve issues. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Using incrontab to read GPIO's in pure bash - Raspberry Pi Forums

i tried following: in rc.local, have: code: select all echo 24 > /sys/class/gpio/export echo 25 > /sys/class/gpio/export echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio24/direction echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio25/direction in: incrontab -l code: select all /sys/class/gpio/gpio24/value in_modify date > /var/alarm/motion /sys/class/gpio/gpio25/value in_modify date > /var/alarm/tamper when wave hand in front of motion detector, nothing happens. supposed create file in directory /var/alarm/ containing date & time of when last change of gpio pin happened. (ill change wget command fetch cgi script on main "large" server then) however, when "cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio24/value" "1" when theres no motion, , "0" when theres motion. , when "cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio25/value", "1" when cover on motion detector closed, , "0" when cover open. im doing wrong? file "value" in folder "/sys/class/gpio/gpi...

Question Regarding "Raspberry Pi Camera Board" - Raspberry Pi Forums

we intend use raspberry pi's camera board. in 1 of the document available on internet titled "unofficial guide getting , running raspberry pi camera", mentioned need download , install image (raspbian image (2013-02-09-wheezy-raspbian.img)). question can source code of image (+ build instructions) in case want change image before installing. thanks, jasbir singh it standard debian built armhf. compile debian* "-mcpu=armv6zk" , adequate cross-compiler. *it better use because has optimisations armv6 instead of armv5 , v7 found in standard debian repo. raspberrypi

Thread: virtual box screen maximize

hi, running virtualbox newest version on ubuntu 9 win xp guest when maximize win xp have small area work in not problem run autocad while in school , don't want use full screen mode not work good.i had working before dumb me had reinstall xp , have not been able working way again.can me please do have guest additions installed? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Virtualisation [ubuntu] virtual box screen maximize Ubuntu

rx and tx jumper on gps shield.

hye everyone!  i'm using gps shield itead studio v1.1 in project. tomorrow turn present project panels. i'm still wondering, why have disconnect jumper on tx , rx pin on gps shield before uploading gps sketch fetch data? since sketch can not uploaded jumpers on shield. i'm preparing answers before being asked panels tomorrow. please me  >>this coding i'm using>>> code: [select] #include <tinygps.h> tinygps gps; static void gpsdump(tinygps &gps); static bool feedgps(); static void print_float(float val, float invalid, int len, int prec); static void print_int(unsigned long val, unsigned long invalid, int len); static void print_date(tinygps &gps); static void print_str(const char *str, int len); void setup() {   serial.begin(9600);     serial.print("testing tinygps library v. "); serial.println(tinygps::library_version());   serial.println("by mikal hart");   serial.println...

Music Collection Help! MX Pro 2004

does know best way play mp3's? loading sound swf's, older way, or via xml file(which i'm using can't seem figure out code make each song selectable). player on main fla file(which starts after loader , intro, xml code in first frame above that. pages externally loading swf's , 1 of has play buttons need coordidante/associate player well. i need have song start in intro , continuous until selected different page. i hope i'm being clear here....sorry if it's confusing. i'm -really- stuck........anyone??? thanks alot! wendy More discussions in Adobe Animate CC - General adobe

Proyecto de Tesis: Monitoreo de 12 variables analógicas y enviar a servidor web

buen día, junto con un compañero estoy iniciando una tesis en donde será necesario llevar el monitoreo de 12 variables analógicas (la mayoría voltajes y corrientes además de algunas temperaturas). debemos envíar la info un servidor en internet que almacenará y mostrara esto en una página web con sus historicos y demás. la conexión será: ethernet ---> modem 3g ---> internet ---> servidor para esto contamos con un arduino uno r3 y ethernet shield, pensamos acondicionar las señales y  realizar multiplexado con un 4051 y completar con los otros puertos analógicos. la duda principal viene (con la inexperiencia con arduino), es posible realizar la programación para tantas variables? sufrire por memoria? y como extra, si se deseara agregar control al proceso, estaría el arduino uno en capacidad y confiabilidad para realizar algunas tareas sencillas como dar alarmas, encender y apagar una máquina según un horario (por cierto, estas instrucciones podrían ser enviadas del ...

Accessing Camera Module from multiple applications - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys, i'm trying setup security camera using raspberry pi camera board. able setup mjpg-streamer have constant stream. however, i'd setup motion detection too. found this lightweight python motion detection, works great, can't work both applications @ same time, has either mjpg-streamer or python module make use of camera. there way both of them work @ same time? tried motion mmal it's heavy pi. use mjpeg-streamer stock "motion" : ... rk_cameras ghans raspberrypi

Cambridge Raspberry Jam - Live Streaming - Raspberry Pi Forums

this post out-of-date - recordings of presentations on 5th july available on youtube. we'll live streaming institute of astronomy today at: programme talks available going 5th july page @ never been jam yet, fantastic events. in secondary school few weeks back, giving talks on raspberry pi , showing off amazing features of sbc live demos , hands-on activities. great see reception got considering few of them had heard of pi. think great see youngsters getting pi, learning programming etc., whether through own experimentation , creativity, or through events camjam. hope goes today , make sure gets "stuck in" jam. raspberrypi

Lecture digitale super débutant

bonjour, j'ai parcouru le forum pour voir si je ne trouvais pas de réponse à ma question, mais ne sachant pas bien quel terme utiliser pour la recherche, je suis peut-être passé à côté de la réponse. dans ce cas, je vous présente mes excuses directement... alors voilà, je suis un super super super débutant en électronique, mais je suis un it. donc le concept de coder, ne m'est pas étranger. j'ai voulu débuter avec l'arduino, et je me suis acheté quelques composants. je voulais commencer par ce projet-ci : mais je devais pour ainsi dire lancer une grenade pour que le piezo que j'ai acheté réagisse. je me suis donc dit que j'allais prendre un capteur plus adapté, mais je me suis trompé dans la commande et je n'ai qu'une sortie digitale, pas analogique. seulement je ne trouve pas comment lire cela ni comment connecter le capteur. alors mon capteur c'est ceci : et j'ai donc trois sorties : vcc, ...

Thread: Ok need some help.(wireless and boot-up)

ive been looking through bunch of threads , cant seem need. i'm missing , if so, sorry restating answered questions. first off, i'm running computer umbuntu jaunty on 1 hdd , win xp home on hdd. there way select os boots? there isn't option in bios, right i'm having go in , change boot order. not huge deal os boot option better. second , more importantly i'm having real trouble getting wireless , running. i've installed ndiswrapper-utils-1.9_1.53-2ubuntu1_i386.deb , ndisgtk_0.8.4-1_i386.deb , wifi-radar. here sudo lshw: (i've highlighted in red network cards) me@h:~$ sudo lshw [sudo] password me: h description: desktop computer product: ms-6712 vendor: msi version: 1.0 serial: 00000000 width: 32 bits capabilities: smbios-2.3 dmi-2.3 smp-1.4 smp configuration: chassis=desktop cpus=1 *-core description: motherboard ...