Android and Arduino Serial Bluetooth App – BlueSerial (Beta)

hi all,

i'm putting finishing touches on bluetooth spp android app spent last few weeks working on. know there several better , pretty same stuff amarino , bluetooth spp pro. wanted code own , release code open source without restrictions. don't want release unless i'm happy code (which needs more refactoring), if needs source, please let me know , i'll post link here.

it great if folks on forum can try out , give me feedback in terms of functionality , usability. i'm happy work on feature requests/changes can suggest.

lastly, feel i've reached point can contribute (at least little) in terms of needs getting bluetooth running on android , interfacing arduino. if having trouble his/her implementation of bluetooth on android , interaction arduino, i'll best out. leave note on thread.

here's download link: link removed below link on google play

shameless plug blog has more details , video of last bluetooth enabled robot: click here

update (10-july-2013): app has been published! i've uploaded code github, if needs code:

link app on google play:
link code on github:

thanks this!  tested between 2 android devices (nexus 4 on 4.2.2 , asus tf300 on 4.2.1), 1 of running bluespp (,d.zwu)

with combination works great. didn´t try arduino yet though.

there had been bluetooth serial profile bugs in android blocking connections through bt spp, know if have been resolved ?

thanks, robert

Arduino Forum > Development > Other Software Development > Android and Arduino Serial Bluetooth App – BlueSerial (Beta)



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