[OpenMAX] ISO and shutter speed values max limits - Raspberry Pi Forums

the accepted iso values are: 0, 100, 160, 200, 250, 320, 400, 500, 640 , 800. values higher 800 automatically set 800.

range of shutter speed 1μs 66ms. values higher 66 automatically set 66.

these results tests

struct , index i'm using are: omx_config_exposurevaluetype, omx_indexconfigcommonexposurevalue.

however, raspistill sports exposure mode sets iso value higher 800 (i've seen 1250 , 1600) , night mode sets shutter speed values greater 33ms (139ms).

furthermore, if set sports exposure using struct omx_config_exposurecontroltype , index omx_indexconfigcommonexposure, iso value not same raspistill, never higher 800.

i'm sure i'm missing something...

shutterspeed limit:
full sensor mode 15fps -> 66ms max shutterspeed. if framerate specified exposure time limited fulfil framerate. can set fps 0? allow dynamic frame rate? (in raspistill framerate set 0)

iso limit:
iso sets limits analog , digital gains. i.e. iso 100 similar analog gain =1 , digital gain=1 , iso=800 similar analog gain=8 , digital gain=1. (i not know values assumed, guessing here.)

can read out gains , 6by9 has exposed these trough mmal(you can them directly il):
see http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewt ... 45#p570045

iso calculated using "auto" exposure mode, allow 8x analog gain, , therefore support max value of 800.
if set iso 0, 1600 iso value in mode night?



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