Python loop script stops running: why? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, fellows!

i've written small scripts check if house door opened , notifications:

code: select all

import smtplib email.mime.text import mimetext import time import rpi.gpio gpio import subprocess gpio.setmode(gpio.bcm) gpio.setup(23, input = gpio.input(23)  mp3_path = '/home/pi/scripts/tin.wav'   def notificaemail():      messaggio = "attenzione: qualcuno ha aperto la porta di casa..."      s = smtplib.smtp('')     s.set_debuglevel(1)     sender = 'email'     password = 'password'     recipients = ['email', 'email2']     msg = mimetext(messaggio)     msg['subject'] = '!!! allarme porta !!!'     msg['from'] = sender     msg['to'] = ", ".join(recipients)     s.ehlo()     s.starttls()     s.ehlo     s.login(sender, password)     s.sendmail(sender, recipients, msg.as_string())     s.quit()  #initialise previous input variable 0 (assume button not pressed last) prev_input = 0  while true:   #take reading   input = gpio.input(23)   #if last reading low , 1 high, print   if ((not prev_input) , input):     notificaemail()     subprocess.popen(["/bin/bash", "/home/pi/scripts/", "!!! allarme porta venafro !!!", "qualcuno ha aperto la porta di casa venafro..."])['play', mp3_path])   #update previous input   prev_input = input   #slight pause debounce   time.sleep(0.20)
works but, during day, stops running (i check ps aux).

how can track down problem?

it's error causing script stop. use 'try' , 'except' (google if you're unsure, loads of examples) catch , report errors without stopping script.




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