Daisy Chained Movie structure

i looked through previous posts on daisy chaining movies around file size issues, , concept makes sense me. have project 100+ slides works okay now, need add content it. i'm afraid won't behave add 20 slides.

the daisy chain concept works if movie linear--when user gets end of first "section", movie seamlessly starts next section in chain. problem project includes "navigation pane" on left side allows user jump around in movie. so, slide 25, user might want jump slide 50 or 75, might in different sections of chain.

is possible chain of movies? i'm using click boxes jumps, , don't think can specify movie target.


hi bob

yes, may specify different captivate movie target of click. need ensure click results in opening movie , not trying open perhaps movie b @ slide 10 isn't possible do.

cheers... rick

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