Security Issues

i published projects roboengine , make integrated system available online customers. there security issues in making these projects available via link our customer web site? i'm open suggestion , appreciate input , insight. thank you.

hi luvie

i hate doing this, do. however...

this thread cross posted. unfortunately, think cross posting, more receive answer. sadly, reverse true. hinders process.


well, when see cross posting such this, spring action creating links reference original question.

why , why care?

well, forums rich resource of information. 1 has perform search locate information. know didn't this, see folks do. let's had posted same question in every category. let's further assume 1 of these questions replied to. if had same question, find several hits. if never created cross links original question, may give before locating single nugget of information helps. repairing cross posting, hope make forums friendlier , more useful place all.

click here see original thread

sincerely... rick

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