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Thread: Help a newbee with basic instalation issues please


run ubuntu on computer lack basic skills install it.

here difficulties encounter:

downloaded cd (which won't fit on cd why call way) kit (french version) french ubuntu site. recieved 4.5g compressed file. when click on it opens ''winrar'' application. uncompressed file onto hard drive , created 9g kit (which way not fit on 1 instalation dvd). burned dvd 4.5g compressed file. dvd doesn't work boot disk cause files compressed.

here questions ask:

must burn 2 dvds using 9g uncompressed kit?

if case, why doesn't ubuntu site tell right off bat nead 2 dvds?

did wrong while downloading?

, finally, why isn't there simple basic step step tutorial ordinary people. man! cant understand why ubuntu people, after creating such neat program, didn't take 1 hour write simple stupid 4 step installation guide people don't know ***** fancy computer vocabulary.... hour spent writing guide multiply 10 number of ubuntu users, , divide ten number of lost folks me seeking advice.


the english version of ubuntu fits on 1 cd , installs ease, may want forget french version if find confusing...

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Help a newbee with basic instalation issues please



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