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Thread: right-click menu

hey there... i'm running xubumtu 9.04 , installed compiz , emerald. works fine, except if right-click on desktop, menu includes "change desktop background". if click on that, brings gnome desktop manager , messes bunch things, including mouse buttons ( have buttons set left-handed, switched right-handed. ).

if click settings, desktop, xfce desktop manager , all's well.

ok, know simple solution... "don't click on that!", what's correct solution here? shouldn't there xfce right-click menu?

in advance.


it sounds may running nautilus in background. use ps or processes tab in system monitor figure out whether or not case.

if i'm correct , _are_ running nautilus, we'll have figure out what's starting it. culprit startup file in ~/.config/autostart/ directory. next session manager. both of these can checked 'settings -> session , startup' dialog.

first, check 'application autostart' tab. there entry there nautilus? if so, uncheck 1 , should ok. if not, @ 'session' tab. nautilus listed there somewhere? if so, highlight entry , click 'quit program' button. after nautilus has stopped, click 'save session' button.

if either nautilus not running or above suggestions not correct problem, give update , diagnose further.

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