Controlling two servos with push button
i new arduino , trying small project done. attempting control 2 servos single push button. on every press of button want servos rotate 90 degrees in opposite directions. seems working ok except left servo makes vibrating noise @ 1 of positions (180). appreciated.
here code using.
i new arduino , trying small project done. attempting control 2 servos single push button. on every press of button want servos rotate 90 degrees in opposite directions. seems working ok except left servo makes vibrating noise @ 1 of positions (180). appreciated.
here code using.
code: [select]
#include <servo.h>
servo leftservo; // create left servo object
servo rightservo; // create right servo object
// constant won't change:
const int buttonpin = 2; // pushbutton attached pin 2
// variables change:
int buttonstate = 0; // current state of button
int lastbuttonstate = 0; // previous state of button
int buttonpushcounter = 0; // counter number of button presses
int centerpos = 90;
boolean currentbutton = low;
void setup() {
leftservo.attach(9); // left servo attached pin 9
rightservo.attach(10); //right ervo attached pin 10
// tell both servos go center position
pinmode(buttonpin, input); // initialize button pin input:
boolean debounce(boolean last)
boolean current = digitalread(buttonpin);
if (last != current)
current = digitalread(buttonpin);
return current;
void loop() {
buttonstate = debounce(buttonpin); // read pushbutton input pin:
// compare buttonstate previous state
if (buttonstate != lastbuttonstate) {
// if state has changed, increment counter
if (buttonstate == high) {
// if current state high button
// went off on:
else {
// save current state last state,
lastbuttonstate = buttonstate;
/* moves servo every other button push
checking modulo of button push counter.
the modulo function gives remainder of
the division of 2 numbers: */
if (buttonpushcounter % 2 == 0) {
//move position 90
} else {
//or: move position 0
leftservo.write(0); //move left servo 90 degrees ccw center
rightservo.write(180); // move right servo 90 cw center
and wrong making vibrating noise? if problem don't have problems!
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Controlling two servos with push button
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