MAX7219 does not respond to code written using LedControl library
i working on project show state of votes after pressing red or green button. voting state shown using 2 led matrices 50 leds each, light according percentages had been recorded until point.
my problem code ledcontrol library supposed control max7219 bears no response. code using below:
some notes:
i did not import ledcontrol library library, rather imported 2 separate files. compiles, , buttons work , made code go through showresults(). calculations of percentages correct.
as electronics, double , triple checked connections, , connected correctly. using 1k ohm resistors, , capacitor. arduino getting 9v, , both max7219s being powered 5v output pin.
any appreciated.
my problem code ledcontrol library supposed control max7219 bears no response. code using below:
code: [select]
//we have include libary
#include "c:\users\adi\downloads\arduino-1.0.4-windows\arduino-1.0.4\libraries\ledcontrol\ledcontrol.h"
// enter number of leds on side
#define num_leds 50
//and create ledcontrol
ledcontrol fordisplay = ledcontrol(12,11,10,1);
ledcontrol againstdisplay = ledcontrol(9,8,7,1);
// pushbutton pins
int buttonforpin = 2;
int buttonagainstpin = 3;
// button led pins
int forledpin = 4;
int againstledpin = 5;
// button state markers
int buttonstatefor = 0;
int buttonstateagainst = 0;
// amount of data each led holds
double delta = num_leds/100.0;
// data holders
int totalcount = 0;
int forcount = 0;
int againstcount = 0;
void setup() {
//wake max72xx power-saving mode
//set high brightness leds
//initialize button pins input
pinmode(buttonforpin, input);
pinmode(buttonagainstpin, input);
//initialize led light-up pins
pinmode(forledpin, output);
pinmode(againstledpin, output);
//turn off leds
void showresults() {
// increase total count of people voted
// calculate decimal value of people voting for
double fordecimal = (double)forcount/totalcount;
// calculate whole number percentage of people voting for
int forpercentage = fordecimal * 100;
// turn on correct number of leds show percentage
for(int = 0; <= forpercentage*delta; i++) {
fordisplay.setled(0, / 8, % 8, true);
for(int = 0; <= 25; i++) {
againstdisplay.setled(0, / 8, % 8, true);
//serial.println("displaying results");
// turn off leds regardless of whether turned on
void loop() {
// read button states
buttonstatefor = digitalread(buttonforpin);
buttonstateagainst = digitalread(buttonagainstpin);
//button pressed
if(buttonstatefor == high) {
serial.println("voted for");
digitalwrite(forledpin, high);
digitalwrite(forledpin, low);
//serial.println("now vote again");
if(buttonstateagainst == high){
serial.println("voted against");
digitalwrite(againstledpin, high);
digitalwrite(againstledpin, low);
//serial.println("now vote again");
some notes:
i did not import ledcontrol library library, rather imported 2 separate files. compiles, , buttons work , made code go through showresults(). calculations of percentages correct.
as electronics, double , triple checked connections, , connected correctly. using 1k ohm resistors, , capacitor. arduino getting 9v, , both max7219s being powered 5v output pin.
any appreciated.
1k ohm way small - check data sheet max7219, likes big resistors iset. try 60k.
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multiplexing > MAX7219 does not respond to code written using LedControl library
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