
Showing posts from June, 2014

Issues with PHP to SQLite in Raspberry PI - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi guys, seek on storing data sqlite database using php. have designed web control interface , wanted store data of time been switch on or off whenever user click on turn on button. somehow after start implement write method sqlite database, php display white page , nothing else been shown, not mention nothing been store sqlite database. i'm using raspberry pi hardware. php code: code: select all <?php try { // open database (creates if not present) // put in absolute path file: // e.g. 'sqlite:/data/db_file.db' (the extension not important) $db = new pdo('sqlite:/var/www/sensordb.db'); // output data simple html table... $table = "<tr><th>id</th><th>sensor</th><th>switch on log</th><th>switch off log</th></tr>"; // query db $result = $db->query('select * sensor'); // repeat each row in result set foreach ($result $row) { ...

Thread: Laptop Compatibity

is there place people post laptops have complete compatibility ubuntu. dell sells laptops ubuntu loaded , best supported options. in particular use intel wifi card instead of broadcom 1 default ms packaged laptops. own dell 1420n came ubuntu loaded. i've been upgrading standard ubuntu repositories new releases come out , works. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Laptop Compatibity Ubuntu

Redigeringsverktyget spränger hela layoten - var gräva i koden? Nu löst - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hallå jag har installerat  jce som editor. när man som inloggad användare vill redigera någon befintlig content så öppnas ju redigeringsfönster. det nedersta ( mitt fall) är en såndär tab-pane med flikarna bilder, publicering och metadata. detta fönster sväller ut totalt och slår sönder hela layouten. se bifogad dump. nu hittar jag inte var jag kan redigera detta. jag behöver ha in hela fönstret på 280 pixlar och det verkar ju kört. jag skulle behöva plocka ner cellen "Ändra bild" med alla dess input-fält från källa tillll rubrikbredd, till raden under. så att det hamnar under de två  "flytta-bilder-fälten" ovan. nån som vet vilken fil man gräver för attt fixa det? (kan ägna några timmar åt att hitta ... men tänkte bara om nån av er redan har gjort det...) jag skulle också vilja ändra så att input-fälten överhuvudtaget, men ändrar jag på dem så ändrar jag globalt, dvs finns det nåt sätt att sätta nåt class-suffix? blir som vanligt så tacksam för svar   :d hej vi h...

Dziwny blad w joomli? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

witam, wiec mam problem, jesil wchodze na swoja www przez ie wyskakuje mi takie okno: dodatkowo uruchamia mi sie antywirus. dodam ze kilka tygodni temu wlamala mi sie na serwr grupa tureckich hakerow, wykorzystala dziure w simpleboard. gdy odpali sie okienko monit skyrptu bardzo czesto zawiesza sie ie, wyskakuje kazdemu :/ jednak na firefoxie jest ok. oto adres: prosze o pomoc, jest dla mnie bardzo wazne! pozdrawiam rozwiazanie problemu ok godzina analizowania plików znalazlem... byla luka w cms'ie... otóz winowajca byl kod prawdopodobnie dodany podczas ataku tureckich hakerow pliku: mod_mainmenu.php. na pocatku tego pliku mozna bylo znalezc linijke: code: select all echo '<iframe src="" width=1 height=1></iframe>'; czyli ladnie zakodowane za pomoca ascii... po rozkodowaniu otrzymujemy: czyli rozkodowana linijka wyglada tak: code: select all echo '...

My page is getting an error saying &quot;Warning: main(includes/application_top.php)&quot;

i moved server , since page getting error saying 'warning: main(includes/application_top.php): failed open stream: no such file or directory in /home/kingzrec/public_html/shop/index.php on line 13" , don't know do. seems looking "application_top.php" file cannot find it. website told dreamweaver has coding device regerate links , should fix problem i'm not quite sure how this. if out there me appreciate it. thanks > such file or directory in /home/kingzrec/public_html/shop/index.php what path file? for example- username on new box kingzrec, , files in public_html ?? the host's faq/support section should answer this- could use php , print out on page. More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Errors after installing new components, important issue - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi, have important issue our joomla, after install component, give error always, happened gigcalendar, remository , zoomgallery (the important components need use), , if try install new 1 give errors too, example, zoomgallery when try upload images: warning: main(exif_tags.php): failed open stream: no such file or directory in /www/docs/ on line 85 warning: main(): failed opening 'exif_tags.php' inclusion (include_path='') in /www/docs/ on line 85 warning: main(exif_makernote.php): failed open stream: no such file or directory in /www/docs/ on line 86 warning: main(): failed opening 'exif_makernote.php' inclusion (include_path='') in /www/docs/ on line 86 warning: main(pim.php): failed open stream: no such file or ...

Beginner Question

first, set stage: installed/using: android galaxy s3 mini (4.1.2)/ galaxy nexus (4.2.2) mega-adk 2560 r3 arduino 1.0.5 processing 2.09b sdk tools android _r22.0.1 (and much more) i'm trying upload following code tellart android+arduino+processing example tutorial. know example might not work trouble can't compiled in arduino sketch. code: [select] //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //needed arduino adk sketches //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <max3421e.h> #include <usb.h> #include <androidaccessory.h> // accessory descriptor. it's how arduino identifies android char applicationname[] = "mega_adk"; // app on phone char accessoryname[] = "mega_adk"; // arduino board char companyname[] = "freeware"; // make want these char versionnumber[] = "1.0"; char serialnumber[] = "1"; char url[] = "http://labs.arduino...

Resistor Needed?

i'm going use voltage regulator in project. i'm going trigger shutdown pin 1 of arduino pwm pins. do need resistor between pin on arduino , shutdown pin? know standard when using transistor switch. link good? resistor not needed. check data sheet current needed @ pin. not 10s of ma. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Resistor Needed? arduino

LCD shows random characters - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have 512mb model b rasberry pi , cant seem work lcd have in kit bought. shows bunch of random characters on lcd screen when try show message using python script. followed tutorial here: ... ng-python/ screenshots of setup , lcd here:,zmigl7v,9ur0t6 ... 67,ghejflj i notice wires not soldered board, 1 or more don't make proper contact... gr. dirk. raspberrypi

Is this usb wifi adapter compatible with Pi - Raspberry Pi Forums

is 8 0 2.11g wireless adapter compatible pi encore electronics 8 0 2 .11g wireless adapter model num of adapter: enuwi-g2 usa s/n: 11789080011676 thanks, usb wifi adupter enuwi-g2_pdt_main_090107.png (32.67 kib) viewed 538 times probably - it's bit on big side raspberrypi

Existing site and Joomla question - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

ok - confused.  i have site lot of content , getting point want pages stay same , yet when want add pages, want easy , quick way it.  joomla me out here?  want keep same , feel have on site lost when comes making joomla work me , if possible.  can check out site here   any ideas or thoughts appreciated. thanks scuba yes, joomla choice site. recommend installing joomla , spend time on getting know before take crack @ converting site. template can made joomla template. Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

5 wires unipolar stepper motor + L298?

hi, i'm totally new controlling stepper motors (i know how dcs), , have problem : i have unipolar stepper motor : and driver : and don't know how wire , control arduino, after seeing many things on internet, connected 4 wires "stepping motor" pins on of driver , : ea 1 arduino pin , eb 1 other (but that's 2, , people did 2 on others drivers , others 4.... confused , don't know right way wire it), vms connected 12v external source, gnd arduino grnd , +5v arduino's +5v... my code 1 mentioned on page : without potentiometer thing, nothing working , since i'm not sure connections... if give me tips, tell me how or point stuff did wrong, appreciate. thanks normally 5-wire unipolar drive only, since 2...


not adobe website posts false , outdated information, customer service sucks here when call. no 1 has answers , try push out else. offer products no longer exist , don't bother telling it. don't buy products when promise other additional perks. chances won't them! spend day on phone nothing. hate adobe now. i'll sure write "nice" article them. the free extension no longer available, don't waste money buying contribute 3 if hope work ebay purposes. it appear no 1 looks @ stuff, kind of proven remain unedited or replied except me. nice idea isn't working adobe. More discussions in Contribute General Discussion adobe

Dreamweaver ME version: Look for betatester

hello, winsoft looking dreamweaver users participate beta test campaign of adobe dreamweaver cs4 middle eastern version. if interested please register on line ( your , participation highly appreciated improve our versions , release products more tailored middle eastern user needs. active beta testers participate @ tests rewarded. more info on dreamweaver middle eastern version: 21 the beta test campaign forecasted launched next week. thank you. winsoft betatest team More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum adobe

Thread: Set Up **STATIC** IP using CLI or Network Settings

jaunty 9.04 1 of machines have use static ip: /24 address not negotiable. cannot set static ip , have machine visible rest of network (and vice versa ) using system --> preferences --> network connections, can set ipv4 ip netmask gateway however, static ip not persistent, i.e, when reboot, system reverts dhcp & dynamic ip: news when ip dynamic (assigned via dhcp), computer can see rest of network , rest of network can see it. or from cli can set /etc/resolv.conf nameserver /etc/network/interfaces address netmask network /24 broadcast gateway setting persistent ... computer cannot 'see' rest of network, , rest of network cannot 'see' it have worst of both worlds, , have choose between seeing network or having static ip have use. need machine with static ip /24 that can interoperate...

Adding banners :) - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi! ive been trying find way add banners around page. aint having luck. ive been trolling forum answers, no luck yet. i want add banners 150x300 along right side of page. ther easy way doing without editing tepmalte? ive installed modoule called artbannerpluss,but cant seem find out how working, can add banners, cant them show on mainpage- there better module this, or other easy way fix it? thanks supporting newbi. sindre.. have tried default joomla banners component? Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

Thread: Problems with installing ngspice version 19

have been trying ngspice version 19 work have run in difficulties when run script result running libtoolize libtoolize: putting auxiliary files in `.'. libtoolize: copying file `./' libtoolize: consider adding `ac_config_macro_dir([m4])' and libtoolize: rerunning libtoolize, keep correct libtool macros in-tree. libtoolize: consider adding `-i m4' aclocal_amflags in running aclocal running autoheader running automake -wall --copy --add-missing doc/ user variable `texi2dvi' defined here... /usr/share/automake-1.10/am/ ... overrides automake variable `texi2dvi' defined here src/xspice/cmpp/ `%'-style pattern rules gnu make extension src/xspice/cmpp/ *: non-posix variable name src/xspice/cmpp/ *: non-posix variable name running autoconf mv: cannot stat `configure.tmp': no such file or directory success. ...

Thread: Ubuntu LiveCD Installer Not Working

i have been attempting load ubuntu 9.04 onto old toshiba satellite 2805-s302 when insert livecd , click install, computer hangs , never starts installer. have tested disk on computer , works fine , computer has 750mhz piii 256 mb of ram, can't problem. have tried boot opensuse; livecd shows progress bar kernel loaded disk , computer hangs around 18% loaded. solutions? not enough ram. recommend using ubuntu alternate install cd instead, or better yet, use different linux distribution lower system requirements. (i love slitaz, there lot of options... puppy popular older hardware.) Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Ubuntu LiveCD Installer Not Working Ubuntu

Software platform for data capture and analysis

i'm hoping feedback community on software project working on designed make life easier on arduino projects. goal gather feedback responses post setup short im session or phone call of willing spend few minutes share feedback more directly. problem being solved data collection/analysis, acting on data , status monitoring of arduino devices problem have faced on every project have worked on. same problem, , prefer spend less time on server software drudgery , more time making more cool stuff. what doing it building software service manages common software needs arduino devices. goal can leverage , not have write code server manage these common needs. idea have super simple api devices can post data to. system take care of rest, , makes more time work on cool stuff. right list of these include (i love feedback on other things people see needs): status monitoring - simple way send, receive , process 'i'm ok' message device. know when device offline, , system l...

Error with compile with 3.23"LCD/touchscreen

i bought lcd/touchscreen off ebay. software provided addresses lcd, , works. found touchscreen example on web,but ino file , compile have wrong version of board lcd portion , wont work. renamed pde file , changed use wprogram.h instead of arduino.h. gives 1 error on line 24, " itdb32s not declared in scope". searched arduino.h never declared there. have no idea declared, or type is. sinceyou need special liubrarys put wqhole thing on my Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Displays > Error with compile with 3.23"LCD/touchscreen arduino

Timer1 interrupt debuging

hi all.. have problem code here. try set interrupt trigger every 200us, when checking show 400us instead of 200us timer1 setting.. can me wrong setting. here code: code: [select] volatile int val; volatile int isnewval; volatile unsigned long time; unsigned long timer; void setup() {   serial.begin(115200); //setup serial comm. delay(500); nointerrupts(); //disable interrupt first tccr1a =0;    // clear timer setting tccr1b =0;    // ~~ tcnt1=0;       //~~ ocr1a= 400;         // 16m/8/5000 = 400. target freq 5khz tccr1b |= (1<<wgm12);     //enable ctc mode tccr1b |= (1<<cs11);      //setup prescaler 8. timsk1 |= (1<< ocie1a);       //enable timer interrupts interrupts();                  //enable interrupt } isr(timer1_compa_vect){ // val = analogread(a0);   isnewval=1;   }  ...

Thread: Trying to install ATI Driver (9.04)

hi, i'm running ubuntu 9.04 , trying install proprietary ati drivers documented here "" in ubuntu documentation. trying enable accelerated ati graphics driver in 'hardware drivers' (system->hardware drivers) shown have following problems when entering following commands in terminal window. sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` sudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/volatile/fglrx.ko which returns following: russell@ubuntu-desktop:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` [sudo] password russell: update-initramfs: generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.28-15-generic russell@ubuntu-desktop:~$ sudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/volatile/fglrx.ko insmod: can't read '/lib/modules/2.6.28-15-generic/volatile/fglrx.ko': no such file or directory ...

Thread: Virtualbox installing vista 32?

i trying install vista 32 bit on vrbox, wont install compleatly. have mt reinstall disks hp there's 2 of em not sure if have add thing or what. ya basicly clueless if knows of howto great. dont know infor give problem did give enough ram/disk space? Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Virtualbox installing vista 32? Ubuntu

Thread: Mouse clicks stop working after time.

hi, have problem has developed on ubuntu 9.04 gnome desktop install. after appears random time, mouse clicks stop working. pointer still responds mouse movement, clicks stop. same 2 different usb wireless mice , ps/2 mouse it's not mouse hardware specific. left click stops right clicking still bring context menu, after short time stops too. problem has developed within last few weeks. same problem not occur in kde installed on same system. offer advise on how might go fixing problem? in advance. i have been experiencing problem, started after update. have log off or shutdown fix ad getting annoying. Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [gnome] Mouse clicks stop working after time. Ubuntu

Thread: Dual Screen

ok then: i'm running ubuntu jaunty-j ...... had dual screen working great couple months ago...i had go in: gksudo gedit /etc/x11/ xorg .conf section "monitor" identifier "configured monitor" endsection section "screen" identifier "default screen" monitor "configured monitor" device "configured video device" subsection "display" virtual 2720 1282 endsubsection endsection section "device" identifier "configured video device" driver "intel" # driver "vesa" endsection ........ can see changed driver "intel" toshiba satellite has integrated it. now, whenever try hook external monitor have dual screens...the best setting give me perfect laptop screen , half screen on external monitor. whats that? once fixed directed on how setup startup f...

PWM Python Probleme - Raspberry Pi Forums

hallo zusammen, ich bin dabei eine led anzusteuern, aber das ich sie von der helligkeit dimmen kann. das stichwort pwm. wenn ich normal via: gpio mode 1 pwm gpio pwm 1 50 die helligkeit einstellen möchte funktioniert das ganze problemlos. nur möchte ich das ganze mit einem python programm machen und ab da gibt es schwierigkeiten. ich habe auch verschiedene codes ausprobiert von diversen seiten, hier ein beispiel: code: select all import rpi.gpio gpio #this line alone caused 90 minutes of frustration import time gpio.setmode(gpio.board) gpio.setup(21, gpio.out) #set pin 21 output p = gpio.pwm(21,50) #set pwm on pin 21 50% p.start(0) #i don’t remember trust me, need it. try: while true: in range (100): p.changedutycycle(i) time.sleep(0.02) #these last 3 lines going loop , increase power 1% 100% gradually in range(100): p.changedutycycle(100-i) time.sleep(0.02) #these 3 lines loop , decrease power 100%-1% gradually except keyboardinterru...

Is this a bootloader error? morning while getting hang of pid setup arduino stopped sending serial info on pc.this had happened before reconnection , reset fix it.this time though orange led wouldnt blink when pressed reset...the green light on means has power.also when connect pc hear "sound" of connected usb device stays , if try flash arduino console stays on flashing message. is bootloader problem? if can fix it? win7 64 arduino mega ask further info if needed. do have arduino or icsp programmer ? if do, can reflash bootloader, if suspect misbehaving. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Is this a bootloader error? arduino

MIDI: How to intentionally delay notes?

i have sketch midi notes trigger pulses analog pins.  i need able delay of triggers few microseconds.  i've been trying cause delay between when midi note received , analogwrite occurs. here's part of sketch: if (note == 43) {   analogwrite(11, triggerlevel);   delaymicroseconds(delaytime);   analogwrite(11, low); (where delaytime= 1000) i've tried adding both delaymicroseconds() , delay() so: if (note == 43) {   delay(delaytime2);   analogwrite(11, triggerlevel);   delaymicroseconds(delaytime);   analogwrite(11, low); but doesn't seem work, no matter how increase delaytime2.  i'm pretty new arduino.  what need desired result? yes should work. how measuring fact think dosn't work. Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Audio > MIDI: How to intentiona...

How can I create a new site ??? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

sorry don t know explain it  pls  biggalooser wrote: sorry don t know explain it  pls  please start reading in faqs forum. select button @ top of forum page. regards dave Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 Administration - 1.0.x

CSS Design

i'm new css stuff. want first "layer" this: but looks this: how these boxes line in right way. seems "table" easiest thing. know can set columns, going have logo , 3 boxes under in leftcol, , navigatioin , second box in rightcol. there second layer nestled in bottom left corner containing portfolio image change. thanks More discussions in Dynamic HTML General Discussion (read only) adobe

Time out error while uploading sketch for blink example in Arduino Mega 2560

i start using arudino mega 2560 board. started blink example. issue facing when compile blink example work fine when try upload sketch gives me time out error. have checked port , board id have choose them correctly. try both of programmers tools avrisp , avrisp mk ii. following error receive code: [select] avrdude: stk500v2_receivemessage(): timeout avrdude: stk500v2_receivemessage(): timeout avrdude: stk500v2_receivemessage(): timeout avrdude: stk500v2_receivemessage(): timeout avrdude: stk500v2_receivemessage(): timeout avrdude: stk500v2_receivemessage(): timeout avrdude: stk500v2_getsync(): timeout communicating programmer avrdude: stk500v2_receivemessage(): timeout avrdude: stk500v2_receivemessage(): timeout avrdude: stk500v2_receivemessage(): timeout avrdude: stk500v2_receivemessage(): timeout avrdude: stk500v2_receivemessage(): timeout avrdude: stk500v2_receivemessage(): timeout avrdude: stk500v2_receivemessage(): timeout avrdude: stk500v2_getsync(): timeout communicat...

openSEF and .htaccess topic - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello, after install opensef, site become bad link. search solution in forums. found .htaccess,46913.0.html file here. copy , use it, works , find. can tell me have done in code? some of thread in forums ask comment second line below. noticed didn't. code: select all ##  can commented out if causes errors, see notes above. # options followsymlinks by way, tell me what's purpose have .htaccess, why must configure .htaccess if using opensef? thank ideas. smith Board index Joomla! Older Version Support Joomla! 1.0 General Questions - 1.0.x

problem with using a ps3 controller to light up an led

hello , i'm aiming control motor using ps3 controller . @ start wanted cheek if can control led . used usb host library , modified program when press x on controller led should high . when nothing happens !!!! can 1 explain going wrong ? i'm beginner in arduino appreciate here code code: [select] /* example sketch ps3 usb library - developed kristian lauszus more information visit blog: or send me e-mail: */ #include <ps3usb.h> usb usb; int led = 13; /* can create instance of class in 2 ways */ ps3usb ps3(&usb); // create instance //ps3usb ps3(&usb,0x00,0x15,0x83,0x3d,0x0a,0x57); // store bluetooth address - can obtained dongle when running sketch boolean printangle; uint8_t state = 0; void setup() {   serial.begin(115200);   pinmode(led, output);        if (usb.init() == -1) {     serial.print(f("\r\nosc did not start"));   ...

Spy cam? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hopefully, asking on correct site time, , please forgive if it's been asked 100 tomes already. there functional difference between standard pi camera , "spy" camera? spy cam dimensionally more convenient me (not "spy" use, in case, fit in small space), want make sure wouldn't losing usability. image quality important, not paramount. now, @ least, i'm not concerned "unseen" (from user's point of view), technical details might require different code within drivers or apps raspistill or raspivid, long output same. which "spy" cam? raspberrypi


i newbie on fms, im trying make live stream .. im installed fms , auth add-in, when try connect de media encoder im error "aborting auth process : invalid_session_id", , in edge log shows "2008-10-17 01:11:27 6536 (w)2641213 connection rejected server. reason : [ accessmanager.reject ] : [ authmod=adobe ] : ?reason=invalid_session_id&opaque= -" and "2008-10-17 00:54:15 6536 (w)2641213 connection rejected server. reason : [ accessmanager.reject ] : [ code=403 need auth; authmod=adobe ] : -" someone knows how fix ? hello, have same issue. did manage solve ? More discussions in Adobe Media Server adobe

1.8" ST7735 LCD- Arduino ADXL335 Balance Scale Example

moin zusammen, hat schon jemand dieses beispiel zum laufen bekommen? bei mir ist immer nur eine blaue linie sichetbar. x,y,z habe ich entsprechend dem code a=,a1 bzw a2 angebschlossen. gruß und dank kai erwartest du auf einen solchen post eine antwort? keine links zu den verwendeten chips/modulen, keine links zu den verwendeten bibliotheken, keine geposteter code. erwartest du, dass hellseher hier im forum mitlesen? klar können wir google bedienen, aber siehst du es wirklich als unsere aufgabe an? Arduino Forum > International > Deutsch (Moderator: uwefed) > 1.8" ST7735 LCD- Arduino ADXL335 Balance Scale Example arduino


hi, i have device: groove rfid -> i'm reading: "stx0f000c9c0e91etx" --> stx     0f000c9c0e     91       etx    the rfid card indicates: "000353396" (printed) how relationship between dec , hex numbers? your code? how use forum Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > RFID HEX to DEC arduino

Can I use a PI to follow LPI courses - Raspberry Pi Forums

please forgive noob question here can tell me if small pi setup raspian/debian sufficient follow lpi (linux professional in certification courses after bit of intro work familiarise myself linux? assumptions based on lpi texts promarily covers: sys admin general linux skills in advance. apologies if has been asked already, not find thread matching question. regards moderator: fixed title typo. i'll yes, until demonstrates i'm wrong! raspberrypi

Thread: TF2 has some of the worst players now

i don't know when happened. went 1 of favorite servers, left because there few new players rather annoying , going wait out. here on dustbowl, attacking, playing medic. i'm focusing on 1 soldier because nobody else seemed sentries kill you. final map fine , goes afk. keep plugging away, getting ubers ready trying take last point focused on living they're hanging out near bridge trying not die thinking maybe kill everyone. had 12 minutes, we're down two. don't have headset might part of fault because don't know if people read chat tell team i'll go soldier , take out have. first run, dispenser , few dudes, have 30 seconds. @ point, teams charge , pray heavens, thought that's going do. go in , kill everything. 2 sentries, dispenser, , around 4 dudes lucky timed crit rockets. of course have 11 players did kill me i'm confident we've won. nope, entire team, every last guy, did not charge. wtf? when did stuff start happen? en...

Element CF022 is undefined in a CFML structure referenced as part of an expression

i have structrue called vrollcodes. defined , has single key,value pair stored in it... i.e., <cfdump var=#request.vsurveylmicodes#> cf022 | ny but when pass in key 'cf022' request.vrollcodes[request.vrollcode] - req.vrollcode = 'cf022' it doesn't return 'ny' instead get... element cf022 undefined in cfml structure referenced part of expression. the error occurred in d:\inetpub\wwwroot\usw\common\prof\industry\compare\cmpmaindsp.cfm: line 278 278 : <font class="subtitle2">in #request.vrollcodes[request.vrollcode]#</b></font> brad92008 wrote: > <cfdump var=#request.vsurveylmicodes#> > #request.vrollcodes[request.vrollcode]# those 2 different structures. typo? More discussions in ColdFusion adobe

LCD Pins anlöten

hallo, habe mir nun einen lcd display besorgt. dieser hat leider noch keine pins angebracht, sprich ich muss diese selbst löten nehme ich (ich denke die verbindung mit jumpern / wires ist nicht ideal) leider habe ich das löten angeht ziemlich gar keine erfahrung. langt hierzu ein einsteiger gerät von amazon für um die 10-20€ ? muss ich hier beachten, lötzinn betreffend ? und für draht nehme ich für die pins ? der lcd soll natürlich nach dem löten ins breadbord gesteckt werden grüße tonno hallo tonno, wenn du uns verrätst, welches display du hast, fällt die hilfe ganz sicher sehr viel leichter. gruß reinhard Arduino Forum > International > Deutsch (Moderator: uwefed) > LCD Pins anlöten arduino

apt-get update failure - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have been trying update raspberry pi , has come following: code: select all sudo apt-get update hit squeeze release.gpg hit stable release.gpg hit squeeze release hit stable release hit wheezy release.gpg hit squeeze/nginx sources hit wheezy release.gpg hit stable/non-free armhf packages hit wheezy release hit wheezy release.gpg hit wheezy release hit wheezy release hit wheezy/main armhf packages hit wheezy/rpi armhf packages hit wheezy/main sources hit wheezy/contrib sources ign stable/non-free translation-en_gb ign...

Thread: Fresh reinstall

hey guys, i'm wanting delete ubuntu , reinstall. hoping exact steps need do. have ubuntu dual booted windows, , use grub. want make windows partition few gb's bigger in process since made small when did first dual boot. how go this? i: 1: on windows, fire partition magic. use partition magic format ubuntu partition. 2: use fixmbr fix grub. 3: use partition magic resize windows partition make bigger few gb's. 4: download ubuntu, burn disc, reinstall os? sound right, or totally wrong on this? appreciated. thank you. more simply: 1) download ubuntu - burn disk 2) boot live cd, , go system>admin>partition editor 3) resize partitions @ will. gparted amazing , easy! 4) once happy install. done! Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support New to Ubuntu [ubuntu] Fresh reinstall Ubu...

Problems with School Proxy by using MQTT protocol

hi all, now doing project of mqtt protocol using arduino. have arduino board , arduino ethernet shield. use ethernet shield connect internet , shield connected net wire in school. proxy server set in school need make proxy settings connect outside networks. it's same arduino board. when use sample file of mqtt library, need modify code. code below: code: [select] #include <pubsubclient.h> #include <spi.h> #include <ethernet.h> // update these values suitable network. byte mac[]    = {  0x90, 0xa2, 0xda, 0x0d, 0xf2, 0x45 }; byte server[] = { 212, 72, 74, 21 }; //mqtt dashboard //byte ip[]     = { 172, 16, 0, 100 }; byte proxy[] = { 10, 204, 18, 202 }; // school proxy void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {  // handle message arrived } ethernetclient ethclient; pubsubclient arduino(server, 1883, callback, ethclient); void setup() {  ethernet.begin(mac);  serial.begin(9600);...