Element CF022 is undefined in a CFML structure referenced as part of an expression

i have structrue called vrollcodes. defined , has single key,value pair stored in it... i.e.,

<cfdump var=#request.vsurveylmicodes#>
cf022 | ny

but when pass in key 'cf022'

request.vrollcodes[request.vrollcode] - req.vrollcode = 'cf022'

it doesn't return 'ny' instead get...

element cf022 undefined in cfml structure referenced part of expression.

the error occurred in d:\inetpub\wwwroot\usw\common\prof\industry\compare\cmpmaindsp.cfm: line 278

278 : <font class="subtitle2">in #request.vrollcodes[request.vrollcode]#</b></font>

brad92008 wrote:
> <cfdump var=#request.vsurveylmicodes#>
> #request.vrollcodes[request.vrollcode]#

those 2 different structures. typo?

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