Gallery2 G2 : general problem in joomla, core.class & embed.php - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support
i installed composent (integration) , tth gallery work fine here when trying configure gallery2 modules in joomla:
here lines 193 204 of components/com_gallery2/classes/core.class
the ligne 202: require_once( $g2config['path'] . 'embed.php');
i verified file embed.php existe on server , here writting on it:
can 1 me solve problem? thank you.
warning: embed(../gallery2/embed.php): failed open stream: no such file or directory in /home/usmonast/public_html/components/com_gallery2/classes/core.class on line 202
fatal error: embed(): failed opening required '../gallery2/embed.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/usmonast/public_html/components/com_gallery2/classes/core.class on line 202
here lines 193 204 of components/com_gallery2/classes/core.class
the ligne 202: require_once( $g2config['path'] . 'embed.php');
code: select all
* include embed.php
* @return boolean(true)
function embed(){
static $setembed;
$g2config = core::loadconfig();
require_once( $g2config['path'] . 'embed.php');
$setembed = true;
i verified file embed.php existe on server , here writting on it:
code: select all
* $rcsfile: embed.php,v $
* gallery - web based photo album viewer , editor
* copyright (c) 2000-2006 bharat mediratta
* program free software; can redistribute and/or modify
* under terms of gnu general public license published by
* free software foundation; either version 2 of license, or (at
* option) later version.
* program distributed in hope useful, but
* without warranty; without implied warranty of
* merchantability or fitness particular purpose. see gnu
* general public license more details.
* should have received copy of gnu general public license
* along program; if not, write free software
* foundation, inc., 51 franklin street - fifth floor, boston, ma 02110-1301, usa.
* access point external application in gallery embedded.
* see modules/core/classes/galleryembed.class and
* more details.
* @package gallerymain
* @version $revision: 1.50 $ $date: 2006/03/16 08:57:42 $
* @author alan harder <>
/* define g2_embed = 1 remember generate correct urls , return html, etc. */
require_once(dirname(__file__) . '/modules/core/classes/gallerydatacache.class');
gallerydatacache::put('g2_embed', 1, true);
can 1 me solve problem? thank you.
i have problem gallery 2, don't right path gallery, puzzel use gallery 2
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