Touchscreen Injection Molding Machine
hello all, i'm new forum , new arduino. build small automated injection molding machine , had questions how program of these functions. start, want have thermostat on touchscreen cycle speed control , cycle counter while arduino controls solenoids machine's pneumatics. how program arduino 2 things @ once(cycling machine , controlling temperature)? need have 2 arduino unos or mega better suited project. thinking ( touchscreen, leave other pins open solenoids , sensors? how go connecting thermocouples arduino , temperature read out on touchscreen , have temperature controlled graphic slider or plus , minus buttons? thank time
to start, want have thermostat on touchscreen
i don't see possible. if put thermostat on touch screen, interfere seeing , using touch screen.
a user interface allows setting high , low temperatures different story.
clear requirements lead clear code. fuzzy requirements not.
how program arduino 2 things @ once(cycling machine , controlling temperature)?
you can't. can program 2 different things close together, there distinct interval. whether interval matters unknown, without knowing how "controlling temperature" , "cycling machine" means.
i thinking ( touchscreen, leave other pins open solenoids , sensors?
from tutorial link:
uses digital pins 5-13 , analog 0-3. means can use digital pins 2, 3 , analog 4 , 5. pin 12 available if not using microsd
that's not many pins stuff want do.
i have suggested mega, but:
the shield assembled, tested , ready go. no wiring, no soldering! plug in , load our library - you'll have running in under 10 minutes! works best classic arduino (uno/duemilanove/diecimila). shield work mega arduinos going half speed of uno-type boards because of way mega rearranges pins (there no way around this!) shield not leonardo-compatible
whether "half speed" matters, or not, decide, based on no data.
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