allarm timer arduino + set buttons lcd
hi guys made draft of code that's going set time , date alarm of arduino directly buttons. below place sketch if give @ beginner again , surely there errorini.
thanks in advance
thanks in advance
code: [select]
#include <wire.h>
#include <rtclib.h>
#include <liquidcrystal.h>
#define relay_pin 2 // pin definitions
#define backlight 2
#define contrast 3
#define set a0
#define piu a1
#define meno a2
#define state_off 0 //fsm states
#define state_on 1 //fsm states
int fsm_state;
char buffer[10];
unsigned long time=0;
unsigned long timeset=0;
int setmodetime=3000;
rtc_ds1307 rtc;
liquidcrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
void setup () {
pinmode( backlight, output );
pinmode( contrast, output );
digitalwrite( backlight, high );
analogwrite( contrast, 40 );
pinmode(relay_pin, output);
digitalwrite(relay_pin, low);
fsm_state = state_off;
lcd.begin(16, 2);
if (! rtc.isrunning()) {
serial.println("rtc not running!");
rtc.adjust(datetime(__date__, __time__));
pinmode( set, input );
pinmode( piu, input );
pinmode( meno, input );
void loop () {
if ( analogread( set ) < 1000) { time = millis(); }
datetime =;
int nowhourminute = now.hour() * 100 + now.minute();
sprintf(buffer, "%02d/%02d/%d",, now.month(), now.year());
lcd.print( buffer );
char buffer[10] = "";
sprintf(buffer, "%02d:%02d:%02d", now.hour(), now.minute(), now.second());
lcd.print( buffer );
char buffer_allarm[10] = "";
sprintf(buffer, "%02d:%02d:%02d", now.hour(), now.minute(), now.second());
lcd.print( buffer_allarm );
if (time > 0 && setmodetime < (millis() - time) ) { setmode( ); }
void setmode( datetime ) {
boolean setmode = true;
int setmodelevel = 0;
int _day =;
int _month = now.month();
int _year = now.year();
int _hour = now.hour();
int _min = now.minute();
int _sec = now.second();
int _hourallarm = now.hour();
int _minuteallarm = now.minute();
int _secallarm = now.second();
sprintf(buffer, "%s: %02d", "giorno", _day);
delay( 1000 );
timeset = millis();
while ( setmode ) {
if ( analogread(set) > 1000 || analogread(piu) > 1000 || analogread(meno) > 1000 ) { timeset = millis(); }
// set day
if ( setmodelevel == 0 ) {
if ( analogread(piu) > 1000 && _day < 31) { _day++; }
if ( analogread(meno) > 1000 && _day > 1) { _day--; }
sprintf(buffer, "%s: %02d", "giorno", _day);
// set month
if ( setmodelevel == 1 ) {
if ( analogread(piu) > 1000 && _month < 12) { _month++; }
if ( analogread(meno) > 1000 && _month > 1) { _month--; }
sprintf(buffer, "%s: %02d", "mese", _month);
// set year
if ( setmodelevel == 2 ) {
if ( analogread(piu) > 1000 && _year < 9999) { _year++; }
if ( analogread(meno) > 1000 && _year > 1900) { _year--; }
sprintf(buffer, "%s: %02d", "anno", _year);
// set hour
if ( setmodelevel == 3 ) {
if ( analogread(piu) > 1000 && _hour < 24) { _hour++; }
if ( analogread(meno) > 1000 && _hour > 1) { _hour--; }
sprintf(buffer, "%s: %02d", "ora", _hour);
// set minute
if ( setmodelevel == 4 ) {
if ( analogread(piu) > 1000 && _min < 60) { _min++; }
if ( analogread(meno) > 1000 && _min > 1) { _min--; }
sprintf(buffer, "%s: %02d", "minuti", _min);
// set second
if ( setmodelevel == 5 ) {
if ( analogread(piu) > 1000 && _sec < 60) { _sec++; }
if ( analogread(meno) > 1000 && _sec > 0) { _sec--; }
sprintf(buffer, "%s: %02d", "secondi", _sec);
// set hour
if ( setmodelevel == 6 ) {
if ( analogread(piu) > 1000 && _hour < 24) { _hour++; }
if ( analogread(meno) > 1000 && _hour > 1) { _hour--; }
sprintf(buffer, "%s: %02d", "ora", _hourallarm);
// set minute
if ( setmodelevel == 7 ) {
if ( analogread(piu) > 1000 && _min < 60) { _min++; }
if ( analogread(meno) > 1000 && _min > 1) { _min--; }
sprintf(buffer, "%s: %02d", "minuti", _minuteallarm);
// set second
if ( setmodelevel == 8 ) {
if ( analogread(piu) > 1000 && _sec < 60) { _sec++; }
if ( analogread(meno) > 1000 && _sec > 0) { _sec--; }
sprintf(buffer, "%s: %02d", "secondi", _secallarm);
lcd.print( buffer );
if ( analogread(set) > 1000 ) { lcd.clear(); setmodelevel++; }
if ( setmodelevel > 8 ) { setmodelevel=0; }
if (timeset > 0 && (setmodetime*2) < (millis() - timeset) ) {
rtc.adjust(datetime(_year, _month, _day, _hour, _min, _sec));
setmode = false;
lcd.print( buffer );
if ( analogread(set) > 1000 ) { lcd.clear(); setmodelevel++; }
if ( setmodelevel > 8 ) { setmodelevel=0; }
if (timeset > 0 && (setmodetime*2) < (millis() - timeset) ) {
rtc.adjust(datetime(_hourallarm, _minuteallarm, _secallarm));
setmode = false;
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multiplexing > allarm timer arduino + set buttons lcd
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