mmal-opaque: received empty buffer - Raspberry Pi Forums


try find problem in raspimjpeg ( ... 91#p468491) latest raspian updates (apt-get update, rpi-update done). happens while taking snapshot web interface.

after quite while of debugging found hint in vcos debug components mmalsrv, mmal-opaque , mmal set info. reference added prepending lines.
please have closer @ 2 distinct lines surrounded empty lines.

code: select all

1659591.689: mmal-opaque: mmal_ril_tunnel_process_output_buffer: recycle image 0x1f598e10 (0xd0000201/0x1) flags 0x0 pts 0 seq 39 1659591.712: mmal: mmal_opaque_image_release: release img 0x1f598e10 mem hdl c 1659592.680: mmal: mmal_opaque_image_set: image 0x1f598e10 -> 0xd0000201/0x1 (ref 1) 1659592.726: mmal-opaque: mmal_ril_stripe_process: got image 0x1f598e10 (0xd0000201/0x1) flags 0x0 pts 0 seq 41 1659592.791: mmal-opaque: mmal_ril_tunnel_process_input_buffer: ril.image_encode:in:0(opqv) received 0x1f598e10 (0xd0000201/0x1) flags 0x0 pts 0 seq 40 1659597.537: mmal-opaque: mmal_ril_tunnel_process_output_buffer: recycle image 0x1f598e10 (0xd0000201/0x1) flags 0x0 pts 0 seq 40 1659597.562: mmal: mmal_opaque_image_release: release img 0x1f598e10 mem hdl c  1659771.033: mmal-opaque: mmal_ril_stripe_process: got image 0x0 (0x0/0x0) flags 0x1 pts -9223372036854775808 seq 42 1659771.072: mmal-opaque: mmal_ril_tunnel_process_input_buffer: ril.image_encode:in:0(opqv) received empty buffer (flags 1)  1659771.131: mmal-opaque: mmal_ril_tunnel_process_output_buffer: recycle image 0x0 (0x0/0x0) flags 0x0 pts 0 seq 41 1660508.453: mmal: mmal_ril_find_parameter_id: searching 118 params id 0x00010011 1660508.476: mmal: mmal_ril_find_parameter_id: found 1660913.388: mmal: mmal_opaque_image_set: image 0x1f598e10 -> 0xd0000201/0x1 (ref 1) 1660913.422: mmal: mmal_opaque_image_set: image_low 0x1f598670 -> 0xd0000100/0x1 (ref 2) 1660913.470: mmal-opaque: mmal_ril_stripe_process: got image 0x1f598e10 (0xd0000201/0x1) flags 0x0 pts 0 seq 43 1660913.546: mmal-opaque: mmal_ril_tunnel_process_input_buffer: ril.image_encode:in:0(opqv) received 0x1f598e10 (0xd0000201/0x1) flags 0x0 pts 0 seq 42 
right in line before "received empty buffer" thing happens, see "pts" set negative value. don't know pts stands can assume pointer should never negative.
can point me right direction...

if need more information application please let me know. i'll try best give information needed since didn't develop application.


pts = presentation timestamp. not useful stills captures.

-9223372036854775808 = 0x8000000000000000. have in mmal_types.h , you'll find

code: select all

#define mmal_time_unknown (int64_c(1)<<63)  /**< special value signalling time not known */
ie buffer of unknown time.

combine flags 0x1. in mmal_buffer.h find

code: select all

#define mmal_buffer_header_flag_eos                    (1<<0)
buffer signalling end of image, , no further images produced.

quite normal stills captures. on triggering capture set of buffers through carrying image, , camera signals end of capture via eos flag, , won't more buffers through until set capturing parameter again.

sorry, nothing see there.



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