4 rgb leds digital low issue
i have 4 common anode rgb led's. each r, g , b pin on 4 led's wired 3 pwm pins. 3 modes selected button, syncpin. code below working off arduino uno.
the problem having part of code below(mode 2) not working when wired attiny44.
the mode 2 not working. believe not working because @ least 1 digital low given of a, b, x or y buttons. because digital low given to led or led's, if loop run once, , because loop 4 thousandths of second, skipped on delay equal 2 delays here:
which adds 400 thousandths of second. so, conclude counter incremented upwards @ end of if loop mode 2? so, not understand why digital low not working attiny44 , why if loop run once?
the other modes working fine, led's lighting beautifully, need implementing code attiny44.
thank you.
code: [select]
int redpin = 11; // red pin on rgb led
int bluepin = 10; // blue pin on rgb led
int greenpin = 9; // green pin on rgb led
int xbutton = 7; // x button
int abutton = 6; // button
int ybutton = 5; // y button
int bbutton = 4; // b button
int syncpin = a5; // syny button, button changes modes
int counter; // used keep track of mode
int sensorvalue;
void setup()
pinmode(redpin, output);
pinmode(greenpin, output);
pinmode(bluepin, output);
pinmode(ybutton, output);
pinmode(abutton, output);
pinmode(bbutton, output);
pinmode(xbutton, output);
pinmode(syncpin, input);
int counter = 1;
void loop()
if (counter == 1) //mode 1
color(0, 0, 0);
digitalwrite(ybutton, high); //all buttons off, no color (off position)
digitalwrite(xbutton, high);
digitalwrite(bbutton, high);
digitalwrite(abutton, high);
if (counter == 2) //mode 2
color(255, 255, 0); //set color yellow
digitalwrite(ybutton, high); //set y button high
delay(1); // emits yellow y button 1 thousandth of second
digitalwrite(ybutton, low); // turn y button off
color(0, 0 , 255 ); // new color, new button on, new button off ect.
digitalwrite(xbutton, high);
digitalwrite(xbutton, low);
color(255, 0, 0);
digitalwrite(bbutton, high);
digitalwrite(bbutton, low);
color(0, 255, 0);
digitalwrite(abutton, high);
digitalwrite(abutton, low);
if(counter == 3) //mode 3
color(255,255,0); //set color yellow!
digitalwrite(ybutton, high); //all buttons on
digitalwrite(xbutton, high); //
digitalwrite(bbutton, high); //
digitalwrite(abutton, high); //
int sensorvalue = analogread(syncpin);
float voltage = sensorvalue * (5 / 1023.0);
if(analogread(sensorvalue) < 5)
if(counter > 3) //if mode on 3, reset off or mode 1
counter = 1;
//end loop
void color(unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue) // color generating function
analogwrite(bluepin, 255-blue);
analogwrite(greenpin, 255-green);
analogwrite(redpin, 255-red);
the problem having part of code below(mode 2) not working when wired attiny44.
code: [select]
if (counter == 2) //mode 2
color(255, 255, 0); //set color yellow
digitalwrite(ybutton, high); //set y button high
delay(1); // emits yellow y button 1 thousandth of second
digitalwrite(ybutton, low); // turn y button off
color(0, 0 , 255 ); // new color, new button on, new button off ect.
digitalwrite(xbutton, high);
digitalwrite(xbutton, low);
color(255, 0, 0);
digitalwrite(bbutton, high);
digitalwrite(bbutton, low);
color(0, 255, 0);
digitalwrite(abutton, high);
digitalwrite(abutton, low);
the mode 2 not working. believe not working because @ least 1 digital low given of a, b, x or y buttons. because digital low given to led or led's, if loop run once, , because loop 4 thousandths of second, skipped on delay equal 2 delays here:
code: [select]
which adds 400 thousandths of second. so, conclude counter incremented upwards @ end of if loop mode 2? so, not understand why digital low not working attiny44 , why if loop run once?
the other modes working fine, led's lighting beautifully, need implementing code attiny44.
thank you.
this part looks wrong:
code: [select]
int sensorvalue = analogread(syncpin);
if(analogread(sensorvalue) < 5) {
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > LEDs and Multiplexing > 4 rgb leds digital low issue
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