Debian and the communication model they use. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

mod edit: thread has been split thread: ... #new  -mmmedia

brian! right debian! pointing debian out me excellent community centric model.

brian wrote: why because debian open , community centric in every sense , has chosen provide available options each application user can find best fit them.

look found! < >

debian-women email forum debian users , developers wish involve more women in debian project. forum discussion , sharing of ideas project collaboration. more information or subscribe, see debian-women mailing list site.

i mean, what's our men women ratio? 12:1? did know in world, population little higher women? so, have disportionate amount of 1 population compared world! well, guessing way debian, well, , open source projects! sounds me working @ changing in order accommodate , welcome women. change takes effort, planning, consideration. debian's got on ball, no doubt.

men , women can different in how communicate. women tend worry more , can sincerely concerned how people feel when communicate. many times woman might focus more on how important bring along -- not alienate unnecessarily, more argument itself. so, might see words in woman's post intended create welcoming , approachable feeling.

just thought, and, wondering out loud, here, if common characteristic of gender something, should consider making accomodations? mean not special parking places or spending money, or anything, perhaps bit more tolerance? would hurt joomla!? or joomla!? guess balance have try maintain evolve include women , first time forum users , first time open source people. < might surprised learn meet three!  ;) >

to man -- in male dominated environment -- when it's been way years!!!! of might like, let's say, oh, don't know, maybe off-topic stuff?  ???

i think debian trying do, said, brian, trying open, "community centric in every sense" , have "chosen provide available options" -- community. brian - not have put better myself. absolutely correct.


now - per request hours ago  ;) - please remove of posts thread. deleting 3/4 of said renders post useless. removing several posts of mine thread makes difficult see trying overall. so, indicated, prefer censured in thread have portions have beeb deemed acceptable standard unfamiliar with, remain. might have accomodation, please? since tolerance apparently unavailable?

if interested in original words on topic, gladly make full text available you. ask. no charge!

just lighten load -- funny post made 1/2 hour before last post in thread knows on off topic posts -- < ... #msg432399 > makes wonder. our end game? what's goal? what's prize?

we will there. together. joomla!

i know!!! know!!! off-topic. but, taking 1 team. 8)

mod note:  edited post show @ top thread split from, no content of original post altered. - mmmedia

this thread has been split thread: ... icseen#new


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